View Full Version : Muscle pain from panic attacks

07-02-2013, 11:40 AM
Hey everyone.. I'm new here and i figured I'd look around to see if anyone's had this problem before. so I've been having panic attacks for a few weeks now. Basically it's my whole body trembling. It used to be accompanied by nausea and I had no appetite and I kept vomiting even though I didn't eat anything, but thankfully that part is over and i'm eating pretty healthy now with no real signs of nausea.

My panic attacks are still there but they have decreased a little bit thanks to a few days off from work and some rest. About 1-2 days ago I started having pain around my right lymph node area (right beside my armpit) that is attached to my chest. It kind of feels like a muscle pull or strain or something like that because I can feel it trying to cramp up sometimes. I feel like it has something to do with the amount of stress I'm putting my muscles through during my panic attacks because they're all clenched up. But I find it a little odd because i've been having attacks for a few weeks now and only now has the muscle-like pain shown up. I have also been sleeping on the same side (right) since Friday because I had a blood test done on my left arm and it's still annoying me, so I dont want to sleep on it. I'm hoping it's just a muscle related thing and nothing too serious because I worry way too much about these things (gotta love hypochondria)

Has anyone else had that type of pain after experiencing panic attacks? Thanks in advance for any of your help.

07-02-2013, 01:31 PM
Pretty much any time I've had a severe panic attack I end up sore afterwards and I do think it's because of how tense my body gets during that time. Your body is going through an incredible amount of stress during a panic attack, and also releasing adrenaline, so naturally it wears you out. You aren't alone in worrying...I worry about every little thing...health anxiety is so uncool. Rest assured, though, I think it is pretty normal that you would be feeling muscle aches after having panic attacks. One thing I use is bath salts made by Village Naturals that is specifically for aches and pains relief, and it's wonderful...they also have one for stress and tension!

07-02-2013, 01:56 PM
I get muscle pains off and on now. For awhile it was one of my main symptoms and they lasted awhile like a month or so but then they kind of faded and I got a different symptom lol. I still get them once in awhile when I'm worried or stressed.

07-02-2013, 05:37 PM
I think muscle pain and anxiety go hand in hand for a lot of people. I went to a GI dr for acid reflux recently and while she thinks I have reflux she also thinks a big issue of mine is muscle tension causing chest and back pain.

I got a massage and it seemed to help somewhat. Try taking a warm bath or putting a heating pad on it. I hope you feel better soon!

07-02-2013, 06:09 PM
Yep...the sudden rush of adrenaline to handle the anxiety fight or flight balance along with the water rushing to the same area is often felt after the dust settles down, sore muscles, painful movement, and the usual physical symptom sometimes travels elsewhere.

I keep a journal to help me see the pattern of these events since I can go three weeks with mild issues, then all at once, haywire everywhere. The doctor actually saw me go haywire in the office, and that was interesting. The questions the doctor asked are the same as for other visits, just make a lot more sense now.

Massage is one of the best natural ways to reduce the resting tension of the achy muscles and irritated nerves.

Hope you feel better soon!