View Full Version : Im not convinced im in recovery:(

07-02-2013, 09:59 AM
Hi I'm not coping at all, I thought I was on a turning point last week but now for these last 4 days I'm as bad if not worse again, I'm struggling to swallow, has anyone any help with nausea, I'm feeling so sick it's horrendous again to eat anything is so bad I'm heaving at times, and the palpitations are not going, I've just tried to listen to a cd of relaxation but its almost impossible as I can't stop shaking, I'm sure this can't be normal, I'm desperate, taking more Valium but not getting the relief tells me it's bad again:( I wish there were alternatives to that but I'm so unhappy and crying so much I reach for them, my husband is convinced I'm doing all this to myself and has very little patience, we have to teenagers and a two year old, and I'm just not in a good place I fear I'm sinking because why did I show some good signs and now all this again, it's so cruel? Who else can relate to this as recovery? and how can I eat when I'm so wound up and feel so sick? My husband just says "eat!!" he simply has no idea and thinks its me telling myself all this, so I've tried CDs and I just can't do them because of how strong these symptoms are, I'm so scared:(

07-02-2013, 10:13 AM
Hi I'm not coping at all, I thought I was on a turning point last week but now for these last 4 days I'm as bad if not worse again, I'm struggling to swallow, has anyone any help with nausea, I'm feeling so sick it's horrendous again to eat anything is so bad I'm heaving at times, and the palpitations are not going, I've just tried to listen to a cd of relaxation but its almost impossible as I can't stop shaking, I'm sure this can't be normal, I'm desperate, taking more Valium but not getting the relief tells me it's bad again:( I wish there were alternatives to that but I'm so unhappy and crying so much I reach for them, my husband is convinced I'm doing all this to myself and has very little patience, we have to teenagers and a two year old, and I'm just not in a good place I fear I'm sinking because why did I show some good signs and now all this again, it's so cruel? Who else can relate to this as recovery? and how can I eat when I'm so wound up and feel so sick? My husband just says "eat!!" he simply has no idea and thinks its me telling myself all this, so I've tried CDs and I just can't do them because of how strong these symptoms are, I'm so scared:(

Hello ally I was like this two weeks ago and for a whole two weeks I felt really bad but the last two weeks I've felt so much more
Better and I know you may not feel it right now but you will feel better again

07-02-2013, 10:14 AM
Ally what medications are you on?

07-02-2013, 10:21 AM
Hi I'm not coping at all, I thought I was on a turning point last week but now for these last 4 days I'm as bad if not worse again, I'm struggling to swallow, has anyone any help with nausea, I'm feeling so sick it's horrendous again to eat anything is so bad I'm heaving at times, and the palpitations are not going, I've just tried to listen to a cd of relaxation but its almost impossible as I can't stop shaking, I'm sure this can't be normal, I'm desperate, taking more Valium but not getting the relief tells me it's bad again:( I wish there were alternatives to that but I'm so unhappy and crying so much I reach for them, my husband is convinced I'm doing all this to myself and has very little patience, we have to teenagers and a two year old, and I'm just not in a good place I fear I'm sinking because why did I show some good signs and now all this again, it's so cruel? Who else can relate to this as recovery? and how can I eat when I'm so wound up and feel so sick? My husband just says "eat!!" he simply has no idea and thinks its me telling myself all this, so I've tried CDs and I just can't do them because of how strong these symptoms are, I'm so scared:(

Hey Ally, I understand what you are going through. My anxiety definitely fluctuates, which I venture to say is the norm for someone who suffers from severe anxiety. I've been doing pretty good lately, but my head feels foggy and I'm having a hard time concentrating again this morning, and last night I was going through exactly what you mentioned with having a hard time swallowing. Is most of your anxiety about your health, or is it other things? I think it is frustrating for people because sometimes they aren't really sure what to do to help, and it seems that a lot of people have this notion about anxiety that you can just shut it off, but we all know it doesn't work that way...but unless someone has experienced what we go through on a day to day basis in dealing with anxiety I think it's really hard for them to understand what it is like. All you can do is keep going...take it one day at a time and keep working towards finding solutions that work for you. If the Valium isn't giving you relief, seek out another option, whether that be a natural option or a different kind of medication. You'll get there...we can all get there!! Remember to stay positive!

07-02-2013, 10:40 AM
Hi I'm not sure where my anxiety stems from but I thing I've always been an anxious person, I've had a lot of upset in my life too, and was previously on citalopram for 5 years up until Xmas then I had this horrendous episode and put under the psychiatrist, meds were changed and then after 3 months changed again and now I'm back on escitalopram max dose, seroquel XL 100mg and Valium 5 mg up to twice a day, but I'm often having to take more, what other meds could help me more? I hate the way I'm feeling like this, so drowsy, and still agitated, I'm so disappointed its returned like this, and also how can I eat when like this? My children are all suffering, they just don't want to be around me:( I feel so guilty because I'm crying so much, my little 2 year old just wants his mummy to play with him, I'm just not engaging its breaking my heart I have thoughts they'd all be better off without me and that scares me:(

07-02-2013, 10:53 AM
Hi I'm not sure where my anxiety stems from but I thing I've always been an anxious person, I've had a lot of upset in my life too, and was previously on citalopram for 5 years up until Xmas then I had this horrendous episode and put under the psychiatrist, meds were changed and then after 3 months changed again and now I'm back on escitalopram max dose, seroquel XL 100mg and Valium 5 mg up to twice a day, but I'm often having to take more, what other meds could help me more? I hate the way I'm feeling like this, so drowsy, and still agitated, I'm so disappointed its returned like this, and also how can I eat when like this? My children are all suffering, they just don't want to be around me:( I feel so guilty because I'm crying so much, my little 2 year old just wants his mummy to play with him, I'm just not engaging its breaking my heart I have thoughts they'd all be better off without me and that scares me:(

I'm sorry to read about your suffering. It's always worse whenever children are affected. I look at my own kids and ask why they must suffer my moods.
Try not to dwell of what your children's life would be like without you. Definitely worse.
Trust that things will pass. I know that's easy to say but take comfort from the little moments.
Hug your little ones and enjoy just watching them be.

07-02-2013, 11:24 AM
Hi Ally

The nausea is from the nervous stomach. I had severe nausea with panic. Ask the doctor to prescribe you some nausea pill. Hang in there you will get better. You are hyperventilating. Try to take slow breath or breath in a brown bag. Take care

07-02-2013, 12:19 PM
Thank you for your words all, dr won't give anything for the nausea I've tried some tablets but they don't help and can interact with these meds, I wish I could find something to help me and not use the Valium it's worrying me so much and I just feel drowsy and not with it which isn't good with having a little one who needs me:( it's worrying me its addictive and I'm needing more at the moment, had such a glimmer last week it's really knocked me about again, I'm thinking I'm always going to be like this, and even if I get some hope it comes back again, just makes me feel more worried that it will keep reoccurring? and that's a horrible way to have to life isn't it? :(

07-02-2013, 12:41 PM
What dose your doctor say? I mean its been 3 months so far on your current medication. Do you have other ailments other then anxiety? Like bipolar , depression. Or just anxiety? Sounds like your on a lot of medication for different things. Maybe they haven't found the right one for you. Did you have blood work done? Do you breathing techniques to relax? Our stomach is part of our nervous system. You need to learn how to relax the stomach, and change your thought process. Don't give it so much attention as you do! The more you concentrate on the symptoms, the worst they will get! Seems like your most troubling thing right now is eating. Tackle that first, and only that! Because right now, if you don't eat, and hydrate yourself the sicker you will become! And knowing that, you tell yourself to eat no matter what! I had the same issue. I did this. I started out eating very small things throughout the day. Bland stuff like crackers, toast, cereal, I then added some fruit. Mostly bananas. Grapes. And nuts. At the time I even hated the smell of food cooking, but after awhile it got better. And I was able to eat some regular food, but I couldn't sit down and eat! LOL. So I walked around as I took bites of food. As my anxiety lessened I was finally able to sit down and eat! So find what works for you, and no matter how silly it may be do it! The important thing is getting your nutrition cuz you really really need it no matter what! And stay hydrated! Very important!

07-02-2013, 12:49 PM
Valium may not be right for you if it just makes you groggy. Ask your doctor about Ativan. It should only be used if really really needed! Instead of reaching for the Valium, or Ativan Use relaxing techniques Guided meditation, and breathing. You can find them on YouTube. I like the honest guys. Get to know yourself. Change things little at a time. Think peaceful thoughts, and know anxiety cannot harm you!

07-02-2013, 01:03 PM
Hi yes it's anxiety and depression, they've said it's not bipolar, but that the depression is being resistant? That's why they've tried the seroquel XL as although its an anti psychotic drug it is used as a booster for stubborn depression and anxiety, and I've been on the longer lasting one since the start of June, the escitalopram I'm not sure but I don't think it's been 12 weeks yet, I've had the Valium on n off since January I think? I've tried this cd I bought on line which was recommended by the nurse! But it's not too great and I really struggle to do the breathing as I'm not sure how and because I'm so agitated? how can I have a glimmer and some good days and then be back to this, I also do notice that the anxiety and depression are really bad in the day all day at the moment and the sickness but then it can get easier by evening? I really thought I was turning a full corner:( I was on medication previously for an episode 5 years ago which was citalopram and remained on it until this one at Xmas, meds were swopped n changed and then changed again and we went back on the same one but then it was changed to the newer version? I'm trying to not swop n change as I've done that, and the other suggestion was lithium instead of the seroquel but it doesn't sound nice at all and it's the anxiety that is the biggest problem I think which causes the depression, I just hate the Valium:( what do you think and take?

07-02-2013, 01:07 PM
I was severely nauseous, dry heaving, and lost a lot of weight a few months ago. I was feeling so terrible, I had to quit my job, was afraid to get out of bed, afraid to shower, afraid to be left home alone, and had a terrible time trying to eat anything. I felt so sick I thought I was dying. Guess what, it went away! It in fact did not last forever. Now if I could come back from that, I know you can bounce back from this.

What I did in order to get over it was eat very small meals. Try a banana, rice, toast, plain yogurt.. etc. I also bought Ensure, helped with making sure I got some vitamins daily. You might have to force yourself to eat, just do it at your own pace, but make sure you eat at least 3 times a day. And stay hydrated, dehydration will only make you feel worse. Slowly but surely I was able to eat more and more everyday and the nausea slowly let up. I was also on xanax at the time. I forced myself to get up out of bed, do things around the house, and i slowly got better. Now I am working part time and even though I do not feel 100% yet, I am very far from where I was. You can do it, little by little each day push yourself to get up and focus your mind on other things. You will get better.

I also used the honest guys videos on YouTube a few times a day to meditate, and it helped calm me down and give me a break from my anxious thoughts.

07-02-2013, 01:30 PM
Thank you, are you or were you taking anti depressants? is Xanax a similar drug to Valium? It's this spaced out drowsy feeling I hate as well as the palpitations and shakiness, the nausea is so hard to cope with it becomes a vicious circle, I just want to be a mummy again and I had such hope last week? It's really disheartened me:( I don't want to be put on lithium as is being suggested but iam struggling, my two year old needs me and I'm sure is picking up on me, I have two teenagers too all of this has definitely affected them:( my husband hasn't been that great and at times horrible so I'm struggling with home too, they all had hope last week and now this, he just thinks its a case of me changing all this! x

07-02-2013, 02:30 PM
Yes xanax is like valium. I'm on klonopin now, which is also similar to those other drugs (benzo) meant for short term use. I haven't been on any other meds although I probably should be. Still ruling out any other possible health issues first. I feel for you though, just when I thought I was getting better, my symptoms changed and now I am dealing with chest pressure. My husband is supportive to a degree, be he is starting to lose patience and is angry, which I can understand because I feel the same way. I too get shaky and palps sometimes, so I get up and start walking around and try to do things to take my mind off of it. The feeling eventually goes away, but yes it is scary. Hang in there.

07-02-2013, 02:42 PM
Xanax kolanapin, and Valium , and Ativan are basically similar. However one could work better for you then another. I take Ativan and I feel no grogginess just makes me feel normal! Now that my Paxil has kicked in I don't use it anymore, but always have it with me, as I am still in the recovery stages. But at first it was a life saver! I could not leave my house without it. It wouldn't think you would need a stronger type of medication such as lithium, just the right kind that will treat your anxiety. However the more pressure you keep putting on yourself the longer, and harder it will be for you to recover! Relax breathing is easy to do. Sit or lay down. Get real relaxed. Place one hand on your stomach, and one hand on your chest. Take a deep breath thro your nose filling up your tummy, not your chest. Make sure your chest don't rise. Just the tummy! Hold breath for count of 3 slowly exhale. Do several times a day, even when your not anxious. It will slow your heart rate down, and gives you proper oxygen for your body! As you get the hang of it. Start relaxing parts of your body that is most tense! Such as shoulders! I bet right now they are tight, and up somewhere by your ears! Like I said before. Pay attention to yourself, not in a negative way, but what your body is saying. And correct it! It takes time! A panic attack seems to come suddenly out of no where, but in reality it took years of stress, negative thinking, and worry before it reared its ugly head! We are considered deep thinkers, and worriers, and we try hard to solve all problems. Even ones we can't solve... We are very hard on ourselves. We need to change all that! During anxiety our body is aurally trying to protect us from harm, even tho there is no harm physically in front of us. But our mind is saying there is. So we then get physical symptoms. The symptoms. The more we worry, the more we worry the more symptoms we get! It's a vicious circle. You got to interfere with the circle. Cutting anxiety off, and preventing a panic attack! Read as much as you can on anxiety. Learn from it! It will be your best weapon against it! Anxiety itself is a simple disorder really! Knowing how to respond to it is the hard part!

07-02-2013, 04:33 PM
Try rescue remedy it is excellent it's herbal drops and really helps you get through the day x