View Full Version : Ever feel alone

07-02-2013, 08:08 AM
Lately my panic attacks have been more frequent when I talked to my aunt her only thought was what what you say because others will view you as crazy. My parents don't like discussing the fact I'm on anti-depressants or that see a therapist. My family lately has been like ignore it and just get on with life, If only it was so simple. I'm 24 and scared of everything I had to switch colleges and now endlessly worry about my future and getting a job. Anyone in a situation like this if so any advice.

07-02-2013, 08:54 AM
I'm sorry your family isn't being supportive. I think it's hard for them to understand they just want you to "grow up and snap out of it" but it's just not that simple. I have no one really to talk to about my issues either and I feel VERY lonely, so I feel your pain. Honestly, I just joined this forum less than a week ago but it's been so helpful "talking" to people who get it.

I worry all the time about everything. Mostly about my son and money and what my husband is thinking this minute and have I said or done something stupid again. I sit at work and worry so much it's a wonder I get any work done. It's good you're seeing a therapist despite your family, keep that up!

07-02-2013, 09:00 AM
It's REALLY hard when you feel like you don't have anyone who actually gives a crap about what you are going through...especially in a time when you probably need more support than ever! This forum is great for that...there are SO many people that know exactly how you are feeling and can actually relate. I get frustrated with people because they act like anxiety is something you just "get over" but it really doesn't work that way, and is so much easier said than done!

07-02-2013, 09:03 AM
I can understand how nice it feels talking to others with anxiety, i think unless you dealt with with panic attacks you true cant understand just how scary they can be. I am sorry your husband puts so much pressure on you to be normal, if only the people we love could live in our shoes for a day maybe their tone would change.

07-02-2013, 09:06 AM
It's REALLY hard when you feel like you don't have anyone who actually gives a crap about what you are going through...especially in a time when you probably need more support than ever! This forum is great for that...there are SO many people that know exactly how you are feeling and can actually relate. I get frustrated with people because they act like anxiety is something you just "get over" but it really doesn't work that way, and is so much easier said than done!

Yea I don't know have many times I have had family say take a pill and just deal with it. I am so grateful for my girlfriend she one of the few that doesn't flip when I need escape events suddenly or need a moment to catch my breath.

07-02-2013, 09:13 AM
I think u should stop expecting from ppl cz in the end its ur life don't look for others support especially if they arent worthy of sharing seek self help or talk to a frd who is worth sharing cz u never wanna be awwwwwed at lol

07-02-2013, 09:13 AM
Yea I don't know have many times I have had family say take a pill and just deal with it. I am so grateful for my girlfriend she one of the few that doesn't flip when I need escape events suddenly or need a moment to catch my breath.

At least you have someone who is behind you. And taking a pill and just dealing with it isn't the answer for everyone...anxiety and anything related to mental health is so much more complex sometimes than just take a pill and deal with it. Feeling like people don't understand makes the anxiety worse for me because they make you feel like you are completely unjustified in the way you feel. Don't get me wrong, a lot of our fears can be irrational, but you feel how you feel regardless.

07-02-2013, 09:27 AM
What ppl think and how they respond to ur situation shouldn't worrry u. Ur in charge of ur life, dont be dependant on others

07-02-2013, 09:33 AM
What ppl think and how they respond to ur situation shouldn't worrry u. Ur in charge of ur life, dont be dependant on others

I understand what you are saying, but I still just don't think it's that simple. Yes, I agree that you are in control of your own life, ultimately, but so much of anxiety is feeling like you aren't in control and learning how to get that control back and in a lot of situations you need the support from an outside source to know that you can do that. For me, a lot of my anxiety is health related (and a lot of others here are the same) so I've needed the reassurance from a professional standpoint that I am healthy and my fears are irrational. Unfortunately, I had a doctor that made me feel like I was insane and it just fueled the anxiety instead of being beneficial for me. So it's very easy to say how people respond to your situation shouldn't worry you...but that's not quite as easy to do, and I don't think that is always being co-dependent...needing a support system doesn't necessarily mean you are dependent on someone else.

07-02-2013, 09:56 AM
True that...agreed. sue the doctor lol I thinking being on here sharing ur feelings is a good way.

07-02-2013, 10:02 AM
Or yes we all need someone to talk to its a need, we need ppl who understand but what I meant is talk to them ur friends or whoever and yet figure out things itself like at times I just talk to my friends even though I know the solution. , but i want to hear it from them and if they aren't good in advice I just blabber and tell them to listen presenting my point on both sides of the argument

07-02-2013, 02:14 PM
Thank you for everyone that posted its nice knowing that i have people that i can talk to about my anxiety. I think for me just writing and reading posts makes me feel better and no feel like a compleat freak.