View Full Version : Newby to this website....here's my situation

09-11-2007, 11:18 AM
Any and all advice welcome.

So I'm 24 and I've had GAD for almost half my life, but wasn't diagnosed until I was 18. Before that I had absolutely no idea what was going on, I honestly thought I was terminally insane and needed to be institutionalized. I can remember sitting in Sunday school and getting so anxious, nervous, and worked up from the people around me that my brain would go into overdrive and would literally begin to suck physical energy from the rest of my body, almost to the point where I could not move and felt like I had lost pretty much 100% of my motor functions.

So fast forward six years to today...I've been on Paxil and Clonazepam for almost 5 years and they seem to be working quite well. However my current life situation and the amount of stress it brings seem to render these meds usless. I am currently working 2 jobs, over 15 hours a day and probably 80 hours a week; I cannot remember the last time I had a significant day off. Currently I have reached a level of stress I didn't think humanly possible, and honestly I am seriously considering quitting one job, granted yes it will be a financial blow but no amount of money is worth killing yourself slowly over. I'm in a financial hole as I have dug myself very deep into credit card debt, however I have taken charge of this and will be talking to a Credit Counseling Agency soon; I've also spoken with a lawyer about bankruptcy...I know it'll stay on my credit for years if I decide to claim Chapter 7 bankruptcy, but honestly at this point is it really worth the level of stress I am at? I rarely if ever get a good nights' sleep, some nights I don't even put the key into my apartment door until 11pm and I am so wound up and worked up that I cannot and don't even attempt sleep. My entire biologocal clock is screwed way up, and something has to give before I do, there are no "ifs" about it.

My current plan is to quit my evening job, which honestly I'm going nowhere in professionally. This will not only free up a TON of my time, it will also allow me to focus more on my day job, which is in the field I went to college for and there is no limit to where it can go. At the moment bankruptcy is the only alternative because these cards and the minimum monthly payments are at levels I cannot humanly pay unless I stumble on a Pot of Gold or win the Powerball Lottery. But I believe in the end it will be worth it.

09-11-2007, 11:42 AM
I was doing pretty well on Citalopram, which is kind of like paxil, until I tried to cut down AND started a new labor intensive job at the same time. I believe the low dose and the amount of sweating I did during a few weeks of 100+ days contributed to my anxiety returning.