View Full Version : Trying to sleep

07-01-2013, 11:23 PM
I keep feeling like I'm jerking as I'm about to fall asleep. Makes me scared to sleep. Does anyone else get this? I've also been noticing more heart palpitations when laying down than normal.

07-01-2013, 11:59 PM
I keep feeling like I'm jerking as I'm about to fall asleep. Makes me scared to sleep. Does anyone else get this? I've also been noticing more heart palpitations when laying down than normal.

I get this from time to time and its awful. Right as I doze off I'll jerk or something, it's creepy.

07-02-2013, 12:18 AM
I used to get this. It's called a hypnic jerk. It made going to sleep very hard. But it's nothing. It's completely normal. I got over it and it stopped. After almost a month or something. Try not to worry about it pls. It's your body trying to protect you. When you fall asleep, your breathing slows and body temp changes and since your nerves are very sensitive right now your body feels like it's falling so it's jerks to try to keep you upright. My anxiety has reduced a lot because of how I look at it now. I don't think of it as life threatening so it doesn't get too me too much now.

07-02-2013, 08:09 AM
This happens to me, too, from time to time and as far as I know it's really normal. It is a horrible feeling, and I've heard it happens when you fall asleep particularly quickly because your body hasn't had the adequate time to transition from awake to asleep. I don't know if that is true or not, but it makes sense. Either way, pretty sure it happens to people with or without anxiety, I think the anxiety just makes it bother us more than it might someone else.

07-02-2013, 09:35 AM
This happens to me, too, from time to time and as far as I know it's really normal. It is a horrible feeling, and I've heard it happens when you fall asleep particularly quickly because your body hasn't had the adequate time to transition from awake to asleep. I don't know if that is true or not, but it makes sense. Either way, pretty sure it happens to people with or without anxiety, I think the anxiety just makes it bother us more than it might someone else.

I find a lot of things bother those of us with anxiety more since we're more sensitive. I appreciate everyone helping me realize its completely normal! Sometimes all we need is a little reassurance.

07-02-2013, 09:42 AM
I find a lot of things bother those of us with anxiety more since we're more sensitive. I appreciate everyone helping me realize its completely normal! Sometimes all we need is a little reassurance.

I definitely agree with you there. I feel sensitive to everything...physically and emotionally! I can't even estimate how many times I've cried randomly in the past two months. Just having the reassurance definitely helps...especially about the health stuff. Basically all of my anxiety is over health...it's getting old!

07-02-2013, 09:49 AM
I completely agree, this anxiety is getting old! I'd never had anxiety before, just started a few months ago. And I'm already tired of it lol. But reading what everyone else does to help themselves and that other people experience similar sensations really does help me see that I'm not dying, I'm not crazy, I'm just super anxious and it's going to be ok.

07-02-2013, 10:23 AM
I get this once and while.. None lately though. don't worry and and just ignore them.You can do it :)