View Full Version : facing fears

07-01-2013, 11:08 PM
I have been stuck in a emotional and physical rut for the past few months. Weight loss, aching legs and other strange symptoms, you all probs got tired of reading my issues. So after last nights worst anxiety attack that left me tired and an emotional wreck this morning I decided to face my biggest fear... getting hiv tested (very strange fear as last I was checked I was negative) I have been with my hubby for 11 yrs and have been faithful and hopefully so has he. I went and got tested on my lunch break and will know results tomorrow. I am trying to stay positive. I have also decided to speak to my dr about anti-anxiety/depressants. I have started lightly exercising, socializing, eating healthier and getting cbt but think I may need medication (short term ). Not looking for advice just had to put it out there.