View Full Version : anxiety med reviews

09-11-2007, 09:58 AM
Hello everyone. I'm working on putting up a website that provides a place for personal reviews and accounts of different medications and I'm here to see if anyone would be willing to contribute some of their knowledge and experience by writing a review.

The goal is to provide a place for people to submit and read reviews on various prescription medications so that they can be better prepared to make decisions on treatment options. I'm creating this site out of my own frustration with not being able to find any real information on insomnia medications. I've had sleep problems my whole life and I'm seeing a neurologist now but I'm really amazed at how clinical most of the results are when one searches for meds on Google. Forums like Anxietyforum (or in my case Sleepnet) are always the best resources but I still think a general medication reviews site needs to exist. That's why I'm creating this and now I am looking for people who would also like to contribute to this project.

The website is called Medcanopy (you can find it through Google) and there are currently 8 meds in the Generalized Anxiety Disorder section though I'm eager to add more as soon as I get some expert feedback on what needs to be there. If any of you could contribute it would be a huge help to this project. You can contribute directly on the site or you can post a review in a reply to this post or you can send me a message with the review. Each review contains just a 1-10 satisfaction rating and a general account of what it was like being on the med.

Also, if this message is in any way inappropriate to this forum I apologize. I am not trying to spam you guys at all, I'm just trying to create a great resource for people that are researching treatment options and I can't do it alone.

Thanks so much for reading this,

09-11-2007, 07:36 PM
I used to be on a trio of Paxil, Klonopin, and oddly enough, Neurontin which is technically for epilepsy but it worked wonders with the Paxil and gave me a TON of energy, motivation, and drive.

09-12-2007, 02:00 PM
Really? Paxil seemed to slow me down. I'm on Citalopram right now. It was working until I tried to come off of it! I didn't know about the withdrawal!