View Full Version : I still panic due to heart skips

07-01-2013, 01:11 PM
What is this I still panic from them I can't stop thinking about them .. I have to cough sometimes I even jump and panic n get a headache in ver afraid that it's my heat :(

07-01-2013, 01:24 PM
Have you had your heart checked out? I was in a constant state of thinking something was wrong with my heart but was able to let go of it when I got some reassurance from a doctor that everything looked fine...and since I was able to let go of it I haven't experienced any of the things I was before. It's hard not to think about, but try to distract yourself...when I focus on something else, I don't notice any of my symptoms!

07-01-2013, 01:25 PM
Have you had your heart checked out? I was in a constant state of thinking something was wrong with my heart but was able to let go of it when I got some reassurance from a doctor that everything looked fine...and since I was able to let go of it I haven't experienced any of the things I was before. It's hard not to think about, but try to distract yourself...when I focus on something else, I don't notice any of my symptoms!

I have gone they said everything is fine I have minor Pvcs but that's all .. But I still sit n think of it .. It's hard not to ..plus my hearts beats are wierd n scary don't know wat to think about anymore it's hard not to cry plus I hv 2 kids n one on the way

07-01-2013, 01:29 PM
This is a normal I used to get this loads,yes it's not very nice but it's part of anxiety

07-01-2013, 01:47 PM
Can you get out and do something with your kids to distract you from feeling anxious about it? I know as soon as I focus on something other than my anxiety, all the symptoms disappear!

07-01-2013, 01:50 PM
PVCs are my most troubling symptom too. It really sucks. I had two EKGs last fall and they were normal, yet I'm still tempted to get the halter. I know em1 is right, it's part of anxiety, but I have a hard time letting go of the idea that it's something life-threatening.

07-01-2013, 01:50 PM
Can you get out and do something with your kids to distract you from feeling anxious about it? I know as soon as I focus on something other than my anxiety, all the symptoms disappear!

No matter if I'm shopping or out with them I still think of it and sometimes get it :( it's really hard for me

07-01-2013, 02:23 PM
No matter if I'm shopping or out with them I still think of it and sometimes get it :( it's really hard for me

Why don't you ask your
Doc for some propanol they are beta blockers that are for the heart and they are really good I've been in them
On and off for years no side affects or nothing

07-02-2013, 03:35 AM
I get them on a day to day basis, they're pretty normal for me now however they do still make me freak out a lot! With you saying you're pregnant, your hormones will be flying all over the place! And hormones control your anxiety, if your hormones are high.... So will be your anxiety and skips!

With people's skipped beats do they only get them with palpitations, or do they come when you're relaxed and heart is steady?

07-02-2013, 04:14 AM
I'm pregnant as well at the moment and my anxiety is getting bad again! I suffer from skip beats ect and it really worries me because I can not even be feeling anxious ill be fine and it will happen then I panic when it happens.

07-02-2013, 08:26 AM
I get them on a day to day basis, they're pretty normal for me now however they do still make me freak out a lot! With you saying you're pregnant, your hormones will be flying all over the place! And hormones control your anxiety, if your hormones are high.... So will be your anxiety and skips!

With people's skipped beats do they only get them with palpitations, or do they come when you're relaxed and heart is steady?

I get them wen I'm relaxed is that normal ?

07-02-2013, 08:27 AM
I'm pregnant as well at the moment and my anxiety is getting bad again! I suffer from skip beats ect and it really worries me because I can not even be feeling anxious ill be fine and it will happen then I panic when it happens.

Yea that's how I am .. I'm worried constantly :(

07-02-2013, 09:21 AM
What is this I still panic from them I can't stop thinking about them .. I have to cough sometimes I even jump and panic n get a headache in ver afraid that it's my heat :(

Hi I suffered this same thing everyday after I started taking amino acid chelated magnesium 500mg wich is equal to 100 mg of magnesium twice a day and it was gone.
Google magnesium and heart rhythm (arrhythmia) you may not have arrhythmia but it helps the hearts rhythm some how. I have a book about its called magnesium the miracle mineral by dr Sandra Cabot you should check it out it has a chapter about how this will help you or try google

Good luck

07-02-2013, 09:26 AM
Also I started a thread today it was a quick review check it out

07-02-2013, 10:45 AM
I get them wen I'm relaxed is that normal ?
Totally normal I get them when relaxed

07-02-2013, 10:47 AM
Me too, that's when I notice mine the most. When i sniff hard sometimes It feels I cause one too, once in a while. And I always cough when I get a god one, it feels it straitness it out

07-03-2013, 02:29 PM
Im exactly like this and it scares me to death, I also have had pvcs avtually whilst having a scan and the dr didnt seem worried at all but I can't help the thoughts too x

07-03-2013, 04:01 PM
Im exactly like this and it scares me to death, I also have had pvcs avtually whilst having a scan and the dr didnt seem worried at all but I can't help the thoughts too x

I am only a teenager, I have had 5 ECGs, and one 24 hour ECG, and to this day.. I still panic over my skips and jolts. They are my worse symptom and sometimes so hard to get used to! I could be relaxing my heart rate steady... And I would get a random one I absolutely hate them!!!! X

07-09-2013, 09:59 AM
+1 on the magnesium.. my wife gets all panicky about her heart all the time.. the mg pills definitely help her, and i'm convinced they cured my anxiety

07-09-2013, 10:23 AM
+1 on the magnesium.. my wife gets all panicky about her heart all the time.. the mg pills definitely help her, and i'm convinced they cured my anxiety

Where do I get them from and how much , are they just called magnesium ? X

07-09-2013, 11:18 AM
we use Slo-Mag brand, it's about $15 at Walgreens.

in addition to the heart stuff, my wife gets these adrenaline surges as she's falling asleep.. keeps us both up for hours.. however, if she takes a mag pill that day she won't get the rushes.. and we both sleep great.

It may fix you, it may not.. worst case scenario is you'll sleep a little better tonight.