View Full Version : Can't think straight

07-01-2013, 12:43 PM
Ugh..... can't think straight, in a constant low grade panic attack today. Anybody else have problems concentrating on pretty much everything? Had one of my key employee's quit today. The company I work for is a disaster and people are bailing ship, unfortunately it's hard for me to leave without taking a big pay cut. Lorazapam isn't doing anything for me today. Uhhhhh..... its only Monday...

07-01-2013, 01:16 PM
I know the feeling. I've had problems concentrating at work for the last two months it feels like. I'd just rather be doing ANYTHING other than working. I hate feeling this way because I really do like my job. I think it's just because I've had so much anxiety in general, plus working a high stress job, and I've just been overloaded. I also think being cooped up in an office under fluorescent lights and in front of a computer constantly is not what I need lately. I'd really like to get to the end of the day and be able to say, "Wow, I had a really good day!" Thankfully, I have a vacation coming up in a couple of weeks and I'm hoping that will do some good!

07-01-2013, 01:53 PM
Ditto. I haven't been concentrating on work in weeks and my work is slacking. I want to go to bed and just lay there forever. You're not alone. Join str8trippin and I in the chat room. :)

07-01-2013, 02:26 PM
Its not that I don't want to do it, I just can't focus/think clearly at all. I do feel better after I'm off for a few days but it comes back again within a day or two of being at work.

07-01-2013, 02:29 PM
Yeah, that's my problem too...I enjoy my job and want to be here, I just can't focus on what I'm doing...my mind always feels like it is elsewhere, or I get distracted easily. I try to do my work in small pieces so I'm still able to get the things done. If I tell myself I have to do 50 of X Y or Z it sounds way to daunting...so I just do 5 at a time and it seems more manageable for some reason. I do the same thing with driving when it is a long distance...I piece it out instead of thinking of the whole thing at once.