View Full Version : anxiety affecting vision?

09-11-2007, 03:57 AM
Ever since about mid april i was hit with anxiety out of nowhere... i currently am taking lexapro but it doesnt get rid of all my symptoms... for example... at night when im driving it feels like im like drunk and everything seems as if im dreaming... not only that.. but it seems as if bright lights make the symptoms worse.. can anyone else relate to this or have any solutions? thanks

09-11-2007, 02:40 PM
What's happening is you are breathing very shallow or hyerventilating. Therefore you are taking in too much oxygen giving you a sort of 'high'. The tension and andrenaline is also adding to the mix.

This is very typical and people describe the state as 'like being on drugs', 'spaced out', 'like looking out from a goldfish bowl' or that 'nothing seems real'. You are hypersensitised so everything seems too bright or too in your face, sound may seem too loud and boomy, even touch can seems strange and distinct.

Sometimes the effect can seem so strange that people feel like they're kind of detached from themselves and floating in space (not out-of-body, just that they don't feel part of their body) or 'depersonalization'.

09-12-2007, 12:52 AM
well this feeling is constant at night... ive had it for a while now... its not somethin that goes off and on... thought about goin to see a oncologist...

09-14-2007, 10:04 AM
This is normal I get it too. Also the walls move, I have visual snow, floaters, lights at night are really blurred and large, I get flashes of light. This all goes eventually though.

- Jimmy

09-19-2007, 10:49 PM
how long did it take for it to eventually go away?

09-20-2007, 07:33 AM
It'll go away when your anxiety dissipates, which will be when you're not afraid of it. Everyone has floaters, it's just that non anxious people don't even notice them (just like they aren't always paying attention to their heartbeat). It takes some work and learnable skills, but I had a problem with that too when I had panic attacks/anxiety.