View Full Version : Getting off the meds!

06-30-2013, 09:38 PM
So I've had anxiety since i was 15. At 16 i was tried on Zoloft, and some other ssri drugs. That turned out bad for me. So i was put on klonipin, i think thats how you spell it. Started at a low dose but ended up at 4mgs a day. My anxiety was at a all time high by this time, so i decided to quit. I quit cold turkey just stopped taking them. For two weeks i couldn't eat, sleep concentrate or move. It was the worst feeling ever, i was positive i was going to die. But I didn't, so here i am at 23 and i still have anxiety everyday, but i cope with it. Sometimes it's borderline panic mode. I want my life back. Im scared of benzos or almost any medication now because of how addicted i was to the klonipin. I dont have many people to talk to about this, so im coming here for help. As im typing this i feel my chest squeezing and tingling. I hardly sleep anymore because im scared of having an anxiety attack. I have anxiety because i worry about having anxiety. Deep down i know im fine, and hat nothing is going to happen, but,I'd like help on figuring out how to completely nip this in the bud.

07-01-2013, 12:31 AM
Hello! I have been on anxiety meds for 8 years now. I have quit before just to realize I need to get back on them. I would highly recommend consulting a doctor before you start to quit. Also is you have any way of getting counseling that will help a lot. It's been a life saver for me. Message me if you need to talk.