View Full Version : Worried sick please help

06-30-2013, 03:53 PM

I had a nasty breakup with my boyfriend and the police got involved and came to my house this morning and told me that contact between us needs to stop.

I agreed and felt better cos I've already had to have an increase on anti depressants to help me deal with this.

The propanolol 3x daily are helping a lot, I'm not feeling sick anymore but still got random thoughts,

I was sat watching TV earlier and someone walked down my street with a dog, my street is a dead end so it wouldn't be a random dog walker, he then disappeared for 5 minutes and then I saw him walking off up the street, I am worried that my ex has got someone to come to my house to hurt me or something and I thought he was something to do with it. I went outside about half an hour ago and there is no unusual cars or people.

Surely if the police are involved and I have a ref number from them he wouldn't be silly enough to send someone to my house cos if I got hurt the finger would point straight to him?

I'm going out of my mind here and am so scared. I was going to text him and say I'm going to contact the police tomorrow and say I'm worried for my safety? But I'm not sure if that's the right thing to do?

Please help

06-30-2013, 09:57 PM
Hi...I just recently got out of a bad relationship myself and had the cops come to my house and all that garbage and me being stupid i had took him back but I ended up leaving him b.c he started to get me really scared and I kept thinking he was going to hurt me again so I left him and he was threatening me and my family and that's how my anxiety started back up again and worse this time! But don't text him don't call him have no contact at all because that's what he wants...stay away from him!!! He is trying to get to you but dont let him! Be strong and don't worry you will be ok

shane bevan
06-30-2013, 10:03 PM
Do not contact him. If there is an issue and you need the police then you should call them but do not contact your ex.

07-01-2013, 08:26 AM
Thank you for the replies. I've been out all day and was dreading coming home :(

07-01-2013, 08:30 AM
I deff understand where you are coming from...you just need t relax and calm down..keep your cell phone on you at all times and make sure it's unlocked or however you have it so you can call the police if you need to...just remember you are strong and you can get through this...it's all going to be ok

07-02-2013, 03:46 AM
Watch kill bill...u might get smart ass ideas :P

07-02-2013, 04:15 AM
Everything's been ok the last couple of days, and I'm taking my tablets starting to feel normal again.

Thank you for the help xx