View Full Version : My 4th week on zoloft Diary x

06-30-2013, 04:02 AM
I've Been a long time sufferer of anxiety and panic disorder for over 20 years now and would cope very well on and off with only the help of the Occasional propanolol,
However I was getting Intrusive thoughts four weeks ago that I was going to harm my children and go to prison,(yes very scary) and as a loving mother it made me feel so ill,you keep asking yourself why am I thinking this and then that brings on the anxiety and attacks,for me this has been the worst I've ever felt in my life.
My panic attacks have allways been over my Heath and self worry oh is that pain a brain tumor etc but I would have taken that to how I was feeling anyday.
I took myself straight away to the doctors and I was in there a long time talking and she put me on Zoloft 50g once a day in the mornings,I did not want to take Antidepressants as I'm not Depressed or down in any way,I love my life and everything in it,tho it's for anxiety she said,so I thought oh ok I will give it a go.
The first day I tool the tablet I felt out of it and tired,for two weeks there was not much change (even tho the doctors said it takes up to 8 weeks) but I want results yesterday lol (don't we all) lol
I am now on week four and I can't tell you how good I feel :)
I'm eating I'm sleeping I have no racing heart in the mornings that I was having everyday.
My thoughts are still there but no way near what they was which is amazing.
I've read so much on line about anxiety,panic attacks and OCD as that's what they thought I was having but I'm unsure about that lol
I'm going to go to Therapy as I've never done this and even tho I feel amazing allready I think Knowledge is power and power is finding my forever cure.
I've written this for anyone who's scared of taking anything and for those who think there's no hope,there IS.
Keep smiling people :)

06-30-2013, 07:06 AM
So glad to hear that things are getting better! Keep moving forwards! Never look back! Awesome!

06-30-2013, 08:34 AM
So glad to hear that things are getting better! Keep moving forwards! Never look back! Awesome!

Thank you :) oh I will
Be lol

06-30-2013, 03:04 PM
Impressive, so glad to know it's working for you, and yes, therapy does help with the changes as you do more.

06-30-2013, 03:08 PM
Impressive, so glad to know it's working for you, and yes, therapy does help with the changes as you do more.

Thank you,I've never had any therapy be4 so I hope so :)

07-01-2013, 04:13 AM
Stay strong Em!!! My first therapy session is today. *fingers crossed*

07-01-2013, 04:27 AM
Stay strong Em!!! My first therapy session is today. *fingers crossed*

Thanks JCX I am doing fab but I will still be going to my first therapy session next weds,hope it goes well,in box me and let me know how you get on later :)