View Full Version : bad but good day

06-29-2013, 11:59 PM
So today at work ( i work for the state psychotic hospital ) i had a panic attack. My job is a high stress situation everyday. I have to watch my back, deal with behaviors. And get about 10 hours sleep in 2 days. Not good with someone who suffers panic and anxiety. But anyway i paniced out of the blue. I had to take a small half of my zanex and i wanted to leave and rush to the emergency room so badly, tears running down my face. But i waited it out. It took about an hour but i did it! I finished my 14 hour shift and i made it threw the day. Im alive and knowing i am here still and i was able to stay at work and get threw it was a big accomplishment for me. So in all the sadness, fear and worry on this forum, i wanted to post a semi positive post ;) i made it threw the day. I didn't let panic have that control it wanted to take and now im home safe and sound. God bless u all and there are better days ahead

06-30-2013, 07:22 AM
This is awesome to read! Thank you for sharing! I've had anxiety for a while but just recently in the past 2 weeks learned that's actually what was happening. So it's been pretty stressful and I feel like there is no end in sight. Your post gives me hope, thanks! So glad you had a success!