View Full Version : Chest tightness

06-29-2013, 09:55 PM
I've dealt with anxiety for years. Last year out of nowhere I got really bad heartburn. Today my chest feels tight. Not sharp pain or anything, just like sore whenever I breathe in deep. Last time it happened I lost it and went to urgent care, monitored me for an hour, and nothing was wrong. I don't have medical insurance anymore though. Does this happen to anyone else ever? Please answer ASAP

06-30-2013, 02:12 PM
Sorry prob a bit late now but I've had this before every time I took a deep breath my chest hurt it went on for a few days but cleared on its on .

06-30-2013, 03:44 PM
I had this during college days with 3 days of drinking and eating chicken wings. Heartburn developed and caused hiatal hernia and GERD. Went to the ER and doctor said to lay off the chicken wings and beer. I improved my diet and exercise often and that helped. Over time, it went away.

06-30-2013, 04:01 PM
I've had chest tightness off and on for a few weeks. Some days I don't feel it at all, but when I do it is scary. I'm wondering if heartburn has anything to do with it because often times ill have the urge to burp and sometimes food comes up, or ill have a sour taste in my mouth too. I had a holter monitor a few weeks ago but they haven't called me with results yet. Not that I think they're gonna find anything anyway... Sick of going to the doctor and getting no answers.. which probably means its just anxiety.

06-30-2013, 04:13 PM
I've often wondered if my whole anxiety problem is a acid problem, or gas. Lot of times , when feeling strange, I will get a little gurgle in my chest during. Kinda like your stomach growling when your hungry. Haven't had any tests to determine this.

06-30-2013, 07:35 PM
Sounds like acid reflux or could be gas trapped in your chest.

06-30-2013, 07:47 PM
I've dealt with anxiety for years. Last year out of nowhere I got really bad heartburn. Today my chest feels tight. Not sharp pain or anything, just like sore whenever I breathe in deep. Last time it happened I lost it and went to urgent care, monitored me for an hour, and nothing was wrong. I don't have medical insurance anymore though. Does this happen to anyone else ever? Please answer ASAP
Hi Kdubg, I too have had anxiety for years and yes this happens to me often. Scary stuff right ? What I do is use a muscle Rub ( like Icy Hot ) with menthol . Your chest muscles ( all your muscles) tighten with anxiety. Trust me it scares me too. Try this and see if it helps. I don't know if you can but I can actually feel the knots in my pectoral muscles ( chest wall ) sometimes it helps to massage these but Ithink the muscle rub ( Ben Gay , Icy Hot ** whatever,may help) Be Well!

06-30-2013, 07:50 PM
I've often wondered if my whole anxiety problem is a acid problem, or gas. Lot of times , when feeling strange, I will get a little gurgle in my chest during. Kinda like your stomach growling when your hungry. Haven't had any tests to determine this.

Hi Frankzito, Anxiety increases stomach acid ( stomach issues and anxiety often go hand in hand) so yes. ..stomach acid, indigestion, gas all of it probably anxiety ! Be Well !

06-30-2013, 07:55 PM
Hi Frankzito, Anxiety increases stomach acid ( stomach issues and anxiety often go hand in hand) so yes. ..stomach acid, indigestion, gas all of it probably anxiety ! Be Well !

Hi Judie! Thank you! I hope your well :-)

06-30-2013, 07:56 PM
I've had chest tightness off and on for a few weeks. Some days I don't feel it at all, but when I do it is scary. I'm wondering if heartburn has anything to do with it because often times ill have the urge to burp and sometimes food comes up, or ill have a sour taste in my mouth too. I had a holter monitor a few weeks ago but they haven't called me with results yet. Not that I think they're gonna find anything anyway... Sick of going to the doctor and getting no answers.. which probably means its just anxiety.
Hi Missmello, Yes most likely anxiety related as panic and anxiety increase the production of stomach acid and the whole array of symptoms that go with that. Be Well ! ( Zantac 150 or protonics) But a more natural solution would be Kefir ( cultured milk yogurt drink ( flavored) loaded with probiotics...make a smoothie with this and fresh fruit..excellent for your digestive health and boosts your immune system! Be Well....Anxiety is Nasty !...but life isn't !