View Full Version : How to releave chest pains and aches

06-29-2013, 12:02 PM
Had this for 10 months now it drives me mad I have it everyday and always think there's something wrong. I've had ecgs and blood tests all normal. Does anyone else get this and found anything that helps? I've also got really bad posture that us causing back ache which the doc said could be giving my chest issues.

06-29-2013, 02:36 PM
James- I have chest pains and aches too. My doc thinks I'm crazy and says its muscular, which it very well may be. It comes and goes. I mostly get them on my left side near my breast area.
Try not to worry....
Stretching usually helps me quite a bit.

06-29-2013, 02:45 PM
Yes, I have them pretty frequently. I think a lot of mine is caused by my hiatal hernia. Of course, a lot of it is anxiety as well. Try some camphor or menthol rub on your chest before you go to bed. That seems to help me. Do you work at a computer a lot? If so, you might want to get an ergonomic chair that forces good posture. I find myself slouching at my desk a lot and have to be conscious of it. Sounds like they've checked your heart and everything is fine. Also try sitting in a warm bath with some soothing music playing at night. It's amazing how much this can relax your muscles. It sounds like you have tension or muscle strain. If you can find a good massage therapist, I highly recommend. I just had a 90-minute hot stone massage with aromatherapy earlier this week. It's not the cheapest thing, but well worth the money. Also cheaper than a doctor's visit. Hope you feel better soon.

07-03-2013, 05:32 AM
I get this to. it usually spreads up to my shoulder as well. I find deep breathing usually settles it a little bit