View Full Version : Anyone tried lithum???

06-29-2013, 09:50 AM
Has anyone been put on lithium? I'm having such a bad time again and this has been suggested?

06-29-2013, 09:58 AM
I've not been on any Meds up untill four weeks ago but if this was Suggested to you it's worth a try :)

06-29-2013, 10:28 AM
It doesn't sound nice at all tho:( and I'm already on escitalopram and recently seroquel XL but this would be tapered off to start the lithium? it does come with lots of risks and I'd have to have weekly blood tests? I had been having some better days recently but I'm feeling so bad again? can't understand this, it just feels like I'm never going to be better like I was? it's been 7 months now:(

06-29-2013, 10:32 AM
It doesn't sound nice at all tho:( and I'm already on escitalopram and recently seroquel XL but this would be tapered off to start the lithium? it does come with lots of risks and I'd have to have weekly blood tests? I had been having some better days recently but I'm feeling so bad again? can't understand this, it just feels like I'm never going to be better like I was? it's been 7 months now:(

It takes time ally,I do understand how you feel I really do,sit down and tell your doctor how your feeling about it all and I'm sure they reasure you

06-29-2013, 10:41 AM
I've not had very good help or support so not easy, I think I'm just being told to take things but its not getting to the route cause, I've a really hard family life too:( I just can't see an end to this? I keep saying its anxiety that's causing me to feel low and the horrible symptoms it gives me, but when I'd had these better days I thought it was easing off? But it's back again and I've not done anything different, what meds are you taking? x

06-29-2013, 10:43 AM
I've not had very good help or support so not easy, I think I'm just being told to take things but its not getting to the route cause, I've a really hard family life too:( I just can't see an end to this? I keep saying its anxiety that's causing me to feel low and the horrible symptoms it gives me, but when I'd had these better days I thought it was easing off? But it's back again and I've not done anything different, what meds are you taking? x

I'm on sertraline 50g I've only been on it for 4 weeks

06-29-2013, 11:07 AM
Is it helping? I've been to and fro on meds and now this seroquel is meant to help with the anti depressant? I really don't like the sound of lithium and the change again as I've not been on this that long? my husband doesn't understand at all, it's so lonely, x

06-29-2013, 11:21 AM
Is it helping? I've been to and fro on meds and now this seroquel is meant to help with the anti depressant? I really don't like the sound of lithium and the change again as I've not been on this that long? my husband doesn't understand at all, it's so lonely, x

Yes it's helping me so much,and I've not even been on it long at all,yes I know what you are saying,it's hard not to understand something that you don't have,how long have you had anxiety or do have Depression etc to?

06-29-2013, 11:32 AM
I have both:( say its linked? had it for over 10 years, but was under control I thought up until last Xmas, had a break down they think? Was always on citalopram then but now on these after swopping n changing:( hate it, I'm feeling desperate x

06-29-2013, 11:39 AM
I have both:( say its linked? had it for over 10 years, but was under control I thought up until last Xmas, had a break down they think? Was always on citalopram then but now on these after swopping n changing:( hate it, I'm feeling desperate x

What started yours?

06-29-2013, 12:33 PM
That's just it i don't really know? Lots of things have happened over the years but the biggest one was loosing my dad while I was carrying my first son 16 years ago:( I'm in such a state today, can't stop crying now x

06-29-2013, 01:50 PM
That's just it i don't really know? Lots of things have happened over the years but the biggest one was loosing my dad while I was carrying my first son 16 years ago:( I'm in such a state today, can't stop crying now x

Oh you poor thing,I to lost my dad three years ago so I know it's hard

06-29-2013, 01:58 PM
Sorry to hear that too:( I just can't understand all this and why I'm this bad again after doing well?

06-29-2013, 02:09 PM
Sorry to hear that too:( I just can't understand all this and why I'm this bad again after doing well?

Sometimes I think it just happens that way I think,I've had anxiety for years and years and I've only been Meds for 4 weeks