View Full Version : I want to change my life

06-29-2013, 08:42 AM
At the moment, Iīm broke, unemployed, estranged from my daughter, heavily in debt and feeling really anxious.

This is not new and I have been taking steps to feel better and change my life, but at the moment nothing is happening. Despite an active job search, I havenīt been able to get any job. Iīm on medication and it works OK, but itīs not enough. I feel there is so much work to be done on myself so I can change my life, I donīt know where to begin.

Iīm in my early fifties and feel like life is passing me by. Iīve been alone for 16 years since my divorce and Iīm just sitting here with a failed career and a failed life.

Please help.

06-29-2013, 02:56 PM
Your life is not a failure. Neither is your career. I know it's easier said than done, but you just have to tackle one thing at a time. Maybe you just need to find an interim job outside your career field until something better comes along. Life is only passing you by if you let it. Each day just set a few goals and work toward them. Don't feel like you have to fix everything at once. That can be overwhelming. I'm in a financial strain at the moment and I live alone, but I know it will get better. Don't give up hope. Just stay focused on the way you'd like your life to be and things will get better. Once your finances, career and health are more stable, maybe you can work on your relationship with your daughter. Relationships are much easier to tackle when we don't feel so broken. You can do this! I have faith in you.

06-30-2013, 08:14 AM
Thank you so much, JLBnole68.

I have been thinking a lot this morning. One of my mistakes was to trust an employer who stabbed me in the back. I work as a translator and teacher on a contract basis. I had lots of contracts and was well payed. One of the employers hired me exclusively on top salary when one of his translators left the company and went abroad. I cancelled other contracts and took the job.

One year later this translator came back from abroad. Things had not worked out for him there. He wanted his old job back. He was given temporary jobs. In November 2012 I realized I was getting fewer and fewer jobs and asked my employer what was going on. He said it was because of general job cuts in this economy, but I discovered this man was getting more and more of my jobs. Finally I was given jobs on a temporary basis and he was hired full time. Finally I realized my employer was only going to give work every other month or once in three months.

It was like a slap in the face. I almost went bankrupt, because I had cancelled my other contracts. I consulted with a workplace lawyer and my Union and as a contractor, I have no rights. I should have asked this employer a written contract at the time, but I chose to be blind.

Iīm working on other projects and should be concentrating on that, but I feel so broken, I barely have the strength.

I know I need to tackle one thing at a time. For now, I need to ask for benefits for this month and make sure I have money for food and gas. I have negotiated for my mortgage so itīs all right for two months.

I wish you all the best with your finances and thanks again for your support.

I feel so down because of this, I