View Full Version : 8 months pregnant, off lexapro, and just got fired

06-28-2013, 06:05 PM
Hey guys...I think just trying to reach out to anyone who might understand. I think just knowing that someone, somewhere actually might would make me feel better. I've been on lexapro on and off since I was 15 for primarily anxiety, but depression too. I've been on it solid now for about 3 years and I do really well on it - the difference is like night and day.

That is, until this last January, when I got pregnant. It was anything but planned but me and my husband were pumped anyway. The unfortunate side is that I've had to go off the lexapro for the last trimester (i went off for the first trimester too and completely crashed and burned but thats another story for another day) and was doing surprisingly well UNTIL Wednesday - when I was let go from my job COMPLETELY unexpectedly and they wouldn't even give me a real reason. I'm definitely suspicious that it has to do with my maternity, but I live in a "right to hire right to fire" state, so they don't really have to give me a reason. At any rate, I'm less than 2 months from my due date, and my insurance will cut off about 3 weeks before I have the baby, and we weren't in the best financial situation even BEFORE this.

I am a WRECK. I can't sleep, eat, and am having massive panic attacks multiple times throughout the day and night, and I need to get it together so I can try to pick up the pieces and form a plan.

Does anyone have any suggestions, anything that's helped your anxiety thats not medication related?

06-28-2013, 06:20 PM
Hi :).. I was on Paxil when I first got pregnant (10 yrs ago).. But then my dr decided that Zoloft was more safe w pregnancies.. So I switched I. My first trimester..

I have had two successful pregnancies while being on Zoloft throughout the entire pregnancies.. And all good.. Healthy babies etc..

I do see that many women try and come off the meds at least in the beginning..

I'm not sure which is best to do.. My dr always said it was very safe..

Maybe you can try meditation.. Deep breathing., yoga..

I'm sorry you are having such a rough time right now..

06-28-2013, 06:44 PM
Thanks kelliesean, that's encouraging. I think I'll call my doctor and see what he thinks!

06-28-2013, 06:52 PM
Thanks kelliesean, that's encouraging. I think I'll call my doctor and see what he thinks!

Yeah.. It's tricky.. Your obstetrician will most certainly want you NOT to be on any kind of drugs.. But .. I dunno .. I couldn't imagine going through my pregnancies w out it! Whewww.. Anxiety wd have been on overload!

And I was just talking to my dr.. He was telling me about a patient who was very heavy.. About 250lbs.. And she was prego w twins.. And having major anxiety and agoraphobia.. He had her up to 300/350 mgs of Zoloft!!! While she was pregnant!!! Her obstetrician was calling him like "are u crazy??" But he stood firm.. And all went well..