View Full Version : Health anxiety really is rubbish!

06-28-2013, 03:14 PM
Ok so first I was constantly worried about having a heart attack now added to the problem is a blood clot because I get pains in my legs I think blood clot always checking my legs as well but this had added to my problems!! I'm pregnant as well so hormones flying everywhere was doing ok until I found out I was pregnant guessing its the hormones think I'm going to go back and see this guy who is a clinical hypnotherapist he was amazing but I think I need a top up!
Why does anxiety effect us so much!! All the pains palpertaions racing heart if I didn't have any of these I would be fine I'm sure :(

06-28-2013, 03:19 PM
Ok so first I was constantly worried about having a heart attack now added to the problem is a blood clot because I get pains in my legs I think blood clot always checking my legs as well but this had added to my problems!! I'm pregnant as well so hormones flying everywhere was doing ok until I found out I was pregnant guessing its the hormones think I'm going to go back and see this guy who is a clinical hypnotherapist he was amazing but I think I need a top up!
Why does anxiety effect us so much!! All the pains palpertaions racing heart if I didn't have any of these I would be fine I'm sure :(

Oh I know how you feel it's not nice feeling this way,tho try and relax,I know it's easy to say but anxiety won't harm you,yes it's rubbish feeling this way belive me I know I've had the pain in the ass anxiety for 21 years now and well I'm
Still here :)

06-28-2013, 04:23 PM
Agreed...health anxiety is a horrible feeling...and people genuinely don't understand just how horrible a feeling it can be and how difficult it is to get rid of those nagging thoughts. I've been dealing with this a lot lately and I had a bit of a realization today. My entire life I've spent avoiding doctors, dentists, etc. because of a) bad experiences from when I was a kid and b) having spent my whole life dealing with my dad's medical problems and fearing having to go through those things myself. My fear of those things was enough to keep me away unless absolutely necessary (like when I was pregnant, and that experience was one of the most difficult and scary things I've ever been through)...I'd never even had blood drawn until a couple of weeks ago. Well, I'll be 27 in August and I think I've suddenly realized that I'm old enough to actually WANT to know that I have a clean bill of health and can take care of myself and make sure I maintain my health to the best of my ability, which means I've had to overcome a lot of fears in the last few weeks in dealing with my anxiety, which generally is all health anxiety at this point, and has allowed me to approach doctors and medicine with a completely different perspective. I suddenly have an overwhelming desire to take my health seriously, so my approach to my health anxiety is to take every step I can to reassure myself that I am a healthy person and that my health anxiety is unfounded. I'm lucky because I have excellent health insurance at the moment, so I'm taking advantage of it and covering all my bases. I've set myself up with a new doctor (I couldn't stand my previous one) who has a comprehensive private practice, scheduled a women's health exam, and an audiology test and appointment with an ENT, and I don't feel my usual level of anxiety about doing it. I'm sure I'll feel anxious about going to my appointments when they come around, and will probably still have some of the health anxieties pop up in the meantime, but normally I would feel anxiety just calling to schedule and I seem to have overcome that. And I think I'm taking the right steps by just addressing everything so I feel like I'm in control of my own health and can make educated decisions. Anyway, sorry for the long post, but I just want you to know that you can get control of the health anxiety. I'm still working on it, but I'm getting there, so I'm sure you can too! Don't be too hard on yourself.

06-28-2013, 09:01 PM
Ok so first I was constantly worried about having a heart attack now added to the problem is a blood clot because I get pains in my legs I think blood clot always checking my legs as well but this had added to my problems!! I'm pregnant as well so hormones flying everywhere was doing ok until I found out I was pregnant guessing its the hormones think I'm going to go back and see this guy who is a clinical hypnotherapist he was amazing but I think I need a top up!
Why does anxiety effect us so much!! All the pains palpertaions racing heart if I didn't have any of these I would be fine I'm sure :(

Your fear keeps the anxiety alive. Your nerves are sensitized and react very easily to your mood. You need to accept how you feel and get through your day. You need to truly accept the symptoms and not just put up with them with frustration. Do this consistently and give your nervous system time to adapt. Eventually you'll notice the symptoms ease a bit. Keep it up and they'll be gone forever.

06-29-2013, 04:03 PM
Thanks for all your replies! I'm pregnant at the moment and scared it will make the anxiety worse!!