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06-28-2013, 01:51 PM
Wanted to see how y'all doing?

06-28-2013, 02:25 PM
I'm new here but I'll say hi back! Hanging in there after 1/2 Xanax lol. Been a rough week for me. And yourself?

06-28-2013, 02:34 PM
I'm new here but I'll say hi back! Hanging in there after 1/2 Xanax lol. Been a rough week for me. And yourself?

Does the 1/2 a Xanax work for you? I've got that and Ativan for short term anxiety relief and don't take either of them...I tend to have adverse reactions to medications all the time, so it scares me.

06-28-2013, 02:38 PM
This week has been much better than the last few. I think my Lexapro has started to kick in. Plus, I've been exercising, sharing laughs with friends and doing a lot of relaxation techniques. This past Monday, I treated myself to a 90-minute hot stone massage at the spa. It did wonders! I highly recommend.

06-28-2013, 02:44 PM
This week has been much better than the last few. I think my Lexapro has started to kick in. Plus, I've been exercising, sharing laughs with friends and doing a lot of relaxation techniques. This past Monday, I treated myself to a 90-minute hot stone massage at the spa. It did wonders! I highly recommend.

Hot stone massage sounds awesome! I go for a regular massage every so often now that I finally found someone I'm comfortable and it's the best form of relaxation there is and helps alleviate SO much of the tension I get in my shoulders and neck, which helps with the tension headaches. Massage is awesome.

06-28-2013, 02:44 PM
They are .5 mg pills. The first time I took a whole one and passed out cold dead asleep. Opened my eyes to my husband staring at me at the end of the bed saying my name. So I'm trying 1/2 of one. I feel better right now, a bit less knotty in my stomach and able to focus a bit on work. My doc only have me 30 with NO refills and I had to beg for that so if 1/2 works I should stick with that.

By the way I asked for Ativan and she said no she said Xanax was faster acting. *shrug*

06-28-2013, 02:49 PM
They are .5 mg pills. The first time I took a whole one and passed out cold dead asleep. Opened my eyes to my husband staring at me at the end of the bed saying my name. So I'm trying 1/2 of one. I feel better right now, a bit less knotty in my stomach and able to focus a bit on work. My doc only have me 30 with NO refills and I had to beg for that so if 1/2 works I should stick with that.

By the way I asked for Ativan and she said no she said Xanax was faster acting. *shrug*

I think the person I was seeing (and couldn't stand...am in the process of switching doctors) prescribed me the same thing on the Xanax...thirty with no refills, .5 mg...Paxil for long term which is a road I REALLY don't want to go down, and then the ER gave me Ativan when I went in their freaking out because I thought I might be having a heart attack. I was like, yikes, y'all are really going to think I'm seeking drugs...if only you knew that they are all sitting in my cabinet untouched on the top shelf! The first time I went to the ER they gave me Valium and that made me feel awful.

06-28-2013, 02:54 PM
I'm in a place right now I want to take pills to kind of chill me out and numb me to make it through this phase with my husband. I actually will take 1/2 sleeping pill to numb me too. I don't want to do pills long term either. I want to learn to cope and learn to meditate in the long run. But right now, I just need a bit of help.

So I'm also on Celexa too.... just a few days in though. Waiting not-so-patiently.

06-28-2013, 02:57 PM
I'm in a place right now I want to take pills to kind of chill me out and numb me to make it through this phase with my husband. I actually will take 1/2 sleeping pill to numb me too. I don't want to do pills long term either. I want to learn to cope and learn to meditate in the long run. But right now, I just need a bit of help.

If they are helping, you should definitely go for it! Especially with the short term ones, that can help you as you need them. By no means do I mean to criticize anyone who is using meds to help control their anxiety...the solution is different for everyone! I'm in a pretty good head space at the moment, so exploring alternatives feels like a viable option.

06-28-2013, 03:06 PM
I agree with you. We are all individuals and we do what we need to do when. I never took it as criticism. It takes more than that to offend me, lol. Ever tried kava kava and... what is that powder I read about?? Crud....

06-29-2013, 07:12 AM
I'm ok thanks

Having few problems at moment which isn't helping my anxiety but hey ho I've been here before & can do it :)

06-29-2013, 07:22 AM
It's good you have a positive attitude been there done that and you can do it again. That's awesome. Me, not so much. Hang in there!

07-29-2013, 11:18 AM
It sounds strange but since getting through the toughest of periods, it's made me enjoy my life even more

No longer am I saying no to people when they want me to come out, I'm embracing life once again

I've been out doing stuff every weekend for the last 6 weeks (while we've had lovely weather) and going out for the next 4, from festivals to weddings to horse racing to football matches to stag dos

I want to do these things again, and I'm so glad I'm doing them now, creating memories instead of being stuck in a shell

An old friend of mine recently passed away from cancer (he was 27) and in his death, as sad as it is, it's made me want to make life worth living for the people that can't do it