View Full Version : New Here

09-08-2007, 12:55 PM
Hi everyone, I am new here. I started suffering from Anxiety/panic about eighteen months ago, well that is when all the really bad sickly feelings came. Of course thinking back, it has been a build up over a few years.

In the beginning I went to the doctor and he gave me anti-depressants, I stopped taking them after a few months as they were making me feel a lot worse. Now I don't take any medication. But feel as though I need some kind of help but don't know where to turn. I wonder if it will ever end.

Now I don't seem able to stop myself being afraid of everything, my nerves are going all the time, day and night. In the last few months I have noticed that my memory is getting bad, for simple things. Can anyone else relate to these feelings? Daisy

09-09-2007, 03:34 AM
Hi everyone, I am new here. I started suffering from Anxiety/panic about eighteen months ago, well that is when all the really bad sickly feelings came. Of course thinking back, it has been a build up over a few years.

In the beginning I went to the doctor and he gave me anti-depressants, I stopped taking them after a few months as they were making me feel a lot worse. Now I don't take any medication. But feel as though I need some kind of help but don't know where to turn. I wonder if it will ever end.

Now I don't seem able to stop myself being afraid of everything, my nerves are going all the time, day and night. In the last few months I have noticed that my memory is getting bad, for simple things. Can anyone else relate to these feelings? Daisy

Brain fog and even outright confusion are very typical symptoms. When I had anxiety bad I thought I had dementia or a tumor or who knows what.

What comforted me was doing something like reading a good book or magazine as I would start off edgy and unsettled but then suddenly realise I'd read and absorbed something no problem at all. Reading was always helpful for me as I when I was hooked on a book I could filter out the anxiety and lose the edginess.

09-09-2007, 05:00 AM
Thanks for that information. I was really getting more concerned about lack of memory, more so when things I was told seemed to be wioed from me altogether. Yes, I thought about demtetia too, so that will ease my mind, thanks. I will have a go at reading a book too.

Thanks again.