View Full Version : going to the big city tomorrow

06-28-2013, 10:34 AM
Tomorrow I am going to Chicago with my friend. We are taking the train up and are spending the dya there. I am very excited but also very nervous due to anxiety. I don't suffer from it all teh time, but I have a feeling it will creep up tomorrow.

Can anyone please give some tips on how I can handle this so it doesn't come up on me. I really wanna have a good time

06-28-2013, 02:19 PM
Tomorrow I am going to Chicago with my friend. We are taking the train up and are spending the dya there. I am very excited but also very nervous due to anxiety. I don't suffer from it all teh time, but I have a feeling it will creep up tomorrow.

Can anyone please give some tips on how I can handle this so it doesn't come up on me. I really wanna have a good time


06-28-2013, 02:20 PM

Hello :) why are you worried?

06-28-2013, 02:22 PM
RELAX! :) Make sure you get plenty of rest and focus on all the positive things about going; don't give any energy to possible negatives. And if the anxiety does start to creep up to just take a deep breath, acknowledge it, and move on. Just remember that if you need to stop for a minute throughout the day to regroup, then do it...it's a trip for leisure, so don't stress about time frames and deadlines and hurrying...just take your time and enjoy yourself!

06-28-2013, 02:33 PM
You're already thinking about the "what ifs" today. I've done the same thing before embarking on a trip. Just try to keep your mind focused on good things. Think about the fun you'll have and plan out some of the things you want to see and do. Practice tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in your body. There are some really good instructional videos on YouTube that walk you through this. They really helped me. Try it this evening, and then you can do it on the train while you're traveling tomorrow. If you feel anxiety coming on, just start doing these tension/relaxation exercises wherever you're at. Nobody will really notice. Just concentrate on letting out all the tension. You're going to be just fine. Enjoy your trip! And remember, it's just for one day, so you're not having to step out of your comfort zone for an extended amount of time. All the best!

06-28-2013, 06:26 PM
i will try to stay calm..i really will