View Full Version : Does anyone else deal with pain in their body?

06-28-2013, 10:03 AM
Hello :o)
I'm a newer member here, so forgive me if my questions have already been ask.
I was just wondering if anyone else here deals with a lot of pain in their body? Everyday I wake up I don't know where I am going to hurt. For the last week, it has been pain in my left calf which turns to a burning occasionally. Of course I am freaked out that it is a blood clot. Now it is moving to my right calf as well. I am pretty sure it is not a blood clot because I have had the pain before just not this bad. If it is not in my legs, it is in my back, if it's not in my back it is in my shoulder, etc....
I get major pain and stiffness in my neck and shoulders (due to tension I am sure), which in turn leads to a major headache.
I am just so tired of being in pain and worrying that I have terminal illnesses and will die any day now. I don't want to live my life this way. I have 4 beautiful children who need ME...not this person anxiety has made me.
I even see traits in them that remind me of myself. I hate it and it makes me very angry!!

06-28-2013, 10:12 AM
I understand so much! That's how I feel a lot of the time...I go to bed wondering what I'm going to wake up with this time...and just being really tired of thinking there's something wrong with me. I'm a single mother and I worry about my daughter, too...I don't want her to have to worry about me, or feel the stress and anxiety that I'm feeling, and the thought of her not having me terrifies me so much, which makes my health anxiety that much worse! I hold most of my tension in my neck and shoulders, so I constantly feel like I have a stiff neck and tension headaches. Massage has helped with that a lot, but ultimately I just want to be free of these thoughts and feelings!