View Full Version : Old member struggling again..

06-28-2013, 08:26 AM
Hi I have been on this forum before which helped me massively and I am feeling the need to return again

I did something bad to which the police got involved, I was questioned over the phone and the person involved wanted to draw a line under it. But I am worried that the person is going to do something to hurt me in another way, eg come to my house something

This has set my anxiety and depression off again massively, which was already starting up anyway.

I have a constant scared and sick feeling in my stomach, always tired and just want to sleep and I can't eat properly.

I am even worried about going out now and have the constant fear that something bad is going to happen.

I am already taking 40mg citalopram daily and my doctor added 40mg propanolol x3 daily. I have already taken one and did feel better, but I am thinking now it is wearing off.

Does anyone have any advice of how I can get out of this mess and stop feeling sick and scared?

I did think about what would happen if I took my life, it was just a thought, but I realised I'm too scared to die cos i actually do love living!

07-01-2013, 04:20 PM
Hey, what reason do you have to believe the person is going to come after you? If they wanted to just draw a line under it, then I'm sure that's what they have done.

I know it's a silly thing to say, but focussing all your thoughts onto this bad thing happening is going to make everything a lot worse. Try focussing on positive things, even the fact you know you have done wrong is a positive - you are willing to move on from the situation.

Try keeping busy and you're mind occupied on other things. If you're unable to do this, is there any way you can speak to the person involved about the situation and see if you can resolve it with them? Might give you a peace of mind :)