View Full Version : Not sure how to make it thru the day...

06-28-2013, 06:53 AM
I took yesterday off and slept all day. I have to go to work and I haven't gotten much done all week so I must get actual work done. But this knot in my stomach feels like it grows bigger with every breath. The more I try to focus on something else the more I can't stop thinking about my anxiety. I am nauseous. I am hungry but the thought of food makes me want to puke. I have to blow dry my hair but I'm here laying on the bed worrying wishing we could move on from the pain and begin to heal.

I am worried he is lying to me about him just needing time. I am worried he is seeing a divorce lawyer. He's never been this cold for this long. I want to ask him. It be says be just needs space to recover from my last freak out.

Please don't let this be the end. I wish to die. I really do. I would t do it to myself but I want something to happen to me.

06-28-2013, 07:42 AM
Honey, hang in there. This is all fresh and new. Let some time pass. The saying says time heals all wounds.

If you begin to freak out and react, you're only giving more fuel to the fire. You must be patient.

Go to work. Immerse yourself in the job that needs to be done there. Allow yourself time to not think about it, time to not worry.

Time is what you need.

You can do this. You can be courageous and strong.

06-28-2013, 07:44 AM
So I shouldn't ask him if he is seeking a divorce? I'm convinced he is since he's been acting so different.

06-28-2013, 08:00 AM
I think if you ask your spouse if he's seeking a divorce, it may add to both of your stress levels and put a lot of unnecessary strain on your marriage. As the previous responder suggested, the best thing you can do is concentrate on more productive things to keep your mind occupied. As your anxiety levels decrease and you are better able to manage things, I think you'll see that your relationship will improve. Don't corner or box in your spouse. You have ways of coping with this. Sometimes, people distance themselves not because they don't care or love you, but simply because they are frightened or just don't know how to help. Stay strong, develop a network of friends who can support you and help you heal. If you aren't taking any medications, I'd suggest seeing your doctor, discuss your anxiety and let them find a medicine to help you feel better.

06-28-2013, 08:03 AM
No, absolutely not.

06-28-2013, 08:47 AM
Ok ok, consensus says don't say anything. Ok. Deep breaths. I can do this. I'm sick sick sick to my stomach. Considering a xanax or at least a 1/2 one. Haven't taken it yet.

JLBnole68, I just started celexa Tuesday. Waiting not-so-patiently. Have xanax too obviously for as needed.

06-28-2013, 10:30 AM
Celexa is a good medication. I've taken it in the past and it really helped. I'm currently on Lexapro and it works great for me as well. These take a few weeks to feel the full benefits, but don't get frustrated and stop taking them unless you have any side effects. Generally, if you do, these are really mild, but discuss it with your doctor. The Xanax will help in the short-term since it's faster acting. Again, the medicine isn't a complete magic bullet. If there's any way to keep your mind occupied, I've found that all my fearful thoughts go away pretty quickly. And when they do, the physical symptoms leave as well, including the nausea. I hope you feel better very soon. I believe you will. Don't get discouraged. We're all here to support each other.

06-28-2013, 10:45 AM
Thank you. I'm so glad I found this group. I think it's helped me from further screwing things up... so far.... it's not even halfway through the day yet. I haven't taken the Xanax... it doesn't seem to make the knot go away. The first day I took a full one and it knocked me out so I'm afraid to take a full one at work. I have a 1/2 one sitting here on my desk. Afraid to waste it. Oy!

I've taken celexa before... a few years ago. My doc reminded me that I told her it helped. Good thing she keeps notes.

I tend to find a tv show or something on amazon prime and let it play just for the noise while attempting to focus on work. I'll try that now. I'm dying to contact him......

I can do this. My god it's gonna be a long weekend. Hope you all are around on this site over the weekend too! Someday I will get this under control and offer advice to new comers as you are doing for me.

06-28-2013, 10:58 AM
Thank you. I'm so glad I found this group. I think it's helped me from further screwing things up... so far.... it's not even halfway through the day yet. I haven't taken the Xanax... it doesn't seem to make the knot go away. The first day I took a full one and it knocked me out so I'm afraid to take a full one at work. I have a 1/2 one sitting here on my desk. Afraid to waste it. Oy!

I've taken celexa before... a few years ago. My doc reminded me that I told her it helped. Good thing she keeps notes.

I tend to find a tv show or something on amazon prime and let it play just for the noise while attempting to focus on work. I'll try that now. I'm dying to contact him......

I can do this. My god it's gonna be a long weekend. Hope you all are around on this site over the weekend too! Someday I will get this under control and offer advice to new comers as you are doing for me.

You can get through this. We are all here for you. I have taken celexa before and it does work great. Don't give up and don't give into the anxiety. It will get better..

06-28-2013, 11:07 AM
Right now I'm very anxious. Amazing what 5 minutes will do. I did send him a flirtatious text and he texted back that he's not ready to go down this road. My god all I did was panic and force you to talk to me. I didn't hit you or cheat or anything that drastic. UGH UGH UGH....