View Full Version : Head feels crazy! I feel crazy! This axiety had got to go.

06-28-2013, 04:13 AM
Woke up at crazy hour with my head feeling weird ... Like its swelling, I'm gonna seize out or I'm going brain dead and if I go back to sleep I may not wake up or I may even go Into a coma! Yep anxiety had kicked in to full gear!

Anyone else have these strange head sensations! > that freak you out!

I feel like no one gets it, it's so hard to describe.... So anyhow I grab an ativan now googling things ..... Trying to ease mind from going to to dark side. And hoping to reach out on here.

It's hard to even function anymore. Where have I gone. As I say everyday " I just want to feel normal again" !
Didn't think I was normal then but going through this made me realize how normal I actually "felt" anyway!

06-28-2013, 05:17 AM
yep. used to get all those effed up head sensations.. knew i was totally whacked.. take some magnesium today and some more before bed time, see if that helps.. it totally cured my all anxiety symptoms. my wife had an issue where she'd get those adrenaline rush things just as she was falling asleep, over and over and over again, was driving us both batty.. one mag pill before bed and BAM!, sleeping like a baby.

there's a gazillion others reporting success with magnesium.. anybody with anxiety issues would be silly to not give it a try.

"I don't always sleep well, but when I don't I take magnesium... sleep well, my friend"

06-28-2013, 07:34 AM
Thanks bonehead. So do I still take the ativan with the magnesium? Is that all y'all take.
And you had mentioned at bed and when I get up will it be okay to function on during day? It'd be great to get rid of the drugs all together if something like that helped! Thanks so much for reply. Much appreciated!!!!

06-28-2013, 08:08 AM
Also how many mgs of magnesium ;)

06-28-2013, 08:18 AM
Hey meggs...I get the weird head sensations nearly every day and they horrify me. Feels like my head is heavy and full of pressure. No pain, just the pressure, which I think is the main reason why it scares me so much. So I completely understand your fears and have them too, especially since I haven't had the opportunity to talk to a doctor about it yet. I'm in the process of switching providers and my old doctor didn't want to hear any of it, so I've got to wait all the way until the 9th to see my new doctor. It's torture. I just want to know I have a clean bill of health and nothing to worry about but dealing with the anxiety...all my anxiety at this point is about my health. Best advice I have is to kick the Google habit. Evidently, it has a name...cyberchondria...and it's a really bad idea because it just fuels the anxiety, doesn't help alleviate it.

06-28-2013, 10:43 AM
I hate to hear what your going through. It's hard. I've seen every doc all test are good. I should be pleased w that instead I feel frustrated Bc I feel that something is wrong and I have no answers.
And yes as far as google -- I'm an addict.
It does add fuel I told my self I'd stop, I've cut back but still haven't deleted the app lol
>one day at a time

Good luck to you
And our head weirdness

06-28-2013, 11:08 AM
i'm no dr, but mg ain't gonna hurt you.. if you take too much you just get a loose stool

it depends on what kind you buy.. for right now, just go buy anything except mag oxide, and then research later to see what kind/brand you want to take longer term.. when i read about mg, i ran to walgreens and bought Slo-Mag.. it was instant relief and the anxiety was all but gone in 3 days.

when wifey's having problems getting to sleep or feeling anxious, she takes one slo-mag and sleeps like a baby.

i recently bought some Natural Calm (mg powder) and it works good too.

just follow directions on the bottle.. if it says 2 pills per day, take one now, and another around dinner time.

hope it helps!!

06-28-2013, 11:15 AM
search for Hanino's thread "Amino Acids and Magnesium cured my anxiety"

i wish i could find that Hanino person, i'd give him/her the biggest hug ever!!

06-28-2013, 11:40 AM
I hate to hear what your going through. It's hard. I've seen every doc all test are good. I should be pleased w that instead I feel frustrated Bc I feel that something is wrong and I have no answers.
And yes as far as google -- I'm an addict.
It does add fuel I told my self I'd stop, I've cut back but still haven't deleted the app lol
>one day at a time

Good luck to you
And our head weirdness

I honestly can't wait to hopefully have a clean bill of health...I'm scheduled with a new primary who will hopefully be an improvement on the last person I was seeing, the lady doc, as well as an audiology test and an appointment with an ENT which isn't until the beginning of September! BLAH. Considering the head symptoms scare me more than almost anything, September feels like a LONG way off. So I understand feeling frustrated and like you don't have any answers...at least not any sufficient ones. I cold turkey-ed the Google. I had to. It was making me crazy. Now if I have the urge to do it I just look up something else instead.

06-28-2013, 11:41 AM
search for Hanino's thread "Amino Acids and Magnesium cured my anxiety"

i wish i could find that Hanino person, i'd give him/her the biggest hug ever!!

I'm definitely going to have to try the Magnesium!