View Full Version : It's back...

06-28-2013, 03:30 AM
The epididymitis. To be honest it never really left. Had 3 types of antibiotics. First I reacted to, second I had worked but only a 7 day course and it came back. 3rd was a 6 week course and the pains came and went. Since then the pains come and gone, been to Dr's who said it'd peak and troph in terms of pain but specified no timescale. Had an ultrasound that came back showing some swelling but couldn't scan where it really hrut as the nurse "wasn't qualified to anaylze soft tissue".

Since then the pain has continued to come and go for days or weeks. This has lasted about 3.5-4 months now. it's tedious. Apparently chronic epididymitis is a very common diagnosis in urology departments and yet long term medical care is virtually non existant. If antibiotics don't work you're basiclaly stuck with either trying anti inflammatories for the long term (which I also tried and it failed) or pain killer use (none i've tried worked) or you have the testicle removed via surgery.

However the main prognosis is this "it'll burn out" as in you can be left in pain literally for years. Quoted on medical journals as between 0.5 - 20 years. So that's it...if it's not a dserious infection that's causing complications and antibiotics don't work then you're left to your own devices?!

So I spoke to the GP and asked if I could book an appointment with a urologist. he said i'll email them, explain the situation and find out if I can prescribe anything or you need to see them.

Guess what? 2 more antibiotics for 6 weeks. He prescribe dme the first one I tried (which I reacted to) and the 3rd one which barely worked both in much higher doseages.

I'm so sick of this. At least with anxiety you can rationalize why the pains occur. With this it makes no sense and i'm utterly miserable as there's literally no end in sight. It's adding to stress, fatigue, worry, anxiety. Getting no end of different aches and pains too. Yesterday I had 2 bouts of the worst chest pain i've ever had in my life. Usually the intense chest pains are short and sharp. These lasted nearly an hour each and I was convinced it was game over both times.

I'm finding it increasingly hard to remain optomistic. Oh and here's fun. I've had to adjust how I sit so as not to provoke the pain as it's worse when sitting...great when I sit in an office for 11 hours a day and drive another 2 hours per day eh? But sitting how I have been has put strain on my tail bone muscles and now when i'm not feeling like i've been kicked in the balls all day I'm aching so much in my arse that walking and sitting is incredibly painful.

Pardon my French but life is fucking miserable right now.


06-28-2013, 08:09 AM
Sorry Ed. I hope you can get in to see a urologist. Sounds like that's who you need to see. Be persistent that you get an appointment with them.

In the meantime, would it help to sit on a soft pillow while working such long hours? Find something that will help until you can get in to the doc.

Sorry your going through this. I've been dealing with excess mucous/post nasal drip, for 3 months. Nothing helps it, and I've not had any tests done because my doc says its a virus. At some point I'm going to have to be a little more pushy, and get some more help. It's extremely hard to keep a clear mind when things are not well for such a long period of time.

Hang in there.

06-28-2013, 10:37 AM
Thanks for the reply. Have you quit smoking? Maybe allergies? I quit smoking 1 year ago and i've had chronic post nasal drip ever since. It's very stubborn and I get no relief. I start a 2 week holiday from work today. I could always go to A&E one moring after dropping my gf off and say I need to see a urologist
