View Full Version : Can anxiety cause a feeling of being dizzy all the time? or is that impossible?? PLS

06-27-2013, 08:06 PM
I feel dizzy every day single day:/ I had this dizziness for 7 months, Doctors did a whole bunch of tests and found absolutely nothing wrong with me, even though I don't feel anxious sometimes I still feel dizzy! Doctors did a MRI, checked kidneys,stomache,chest,nose,throat,inner ear, well basically everything even neurology, I passed all of them:/ Idk what to do any more:/ I am planning on asking my doc to send me to anxiety therapy or let me try some type of pills or something I don't know what to do!! I am lost:/

I am just wondering can anxiety cause this type of dizziness?? because doctors found nothing wrong with my health at all!

Thank you :)

06-27-2013, 08:13 PM
please help:D

06-27-2013, 08:29 PM
Well I'm in the same boat as you. Dizziness that can't be explained. All of my blood work came back good. Even the ENT diagnosed anxiety. Supposedly anxiety is tied into our balance system somehow.

06-27-2013, 08:32 PM
Yes! It is from the release of adrenaline in your system that's not being used up. Also improper breathing techniques can cause you to hyperventilate which causes dizziness too. It happens to me sometimes still. It's hard to ignore but once you start telling yourself that it can't hurt or kill you, it'll go away.

06-27-2013, 08:34 PM
Yes! Anxiety causes many symptoms. Dizziness being one of the most common ones! Symptoms of anxiety has a nice way of sticking around even when we don't feel anxious try breathing properly! Sometimes we just don't feed our body the oxygen our brain needs! We simply tense up a lot without even knowing it, and forget to just relax, and breath! Sooo, do this often as you can. Sit or lay. Relax your body, and clear your mind. Place one hand on your chest, and one on your stomach. Breath deep through your nose, feel the air pass by your lungs and into your stomach. Raising just the stomach, not the chest, your chest should stay still as you do this. Slowly breath out all the way!

Also if the dizziness comes and goes pay attention to your diet. Sugar, soda, coffee.
Even daily stress can cause anxiety symptoms to stick around. Be sure you get time for you! Check out some guided meditation on YouTube. Along with relaxing breathing techniques.

06-28-2013, 12:34 AM
I felt it for 13 months straight, all day every day, from waking up to going to sleep it was there. In that time I've realized it's not something bad so I've stopped letting it scare me and it's definitely becoming less and less noticeable.