View Full Version : New Here. New To Anxiety.

06-27-2013, 07:17 PM
Hello all. My name is Corey, I am 24, and live in Northern Virginia near DC.
I have always been a worrier, ever since I was little. My worry of choice used to be UFO's. It was so bad that I would never look up at the sky at night in fear of seeing something strange. I remember one time when I was about 10, I walked into the living room and there was an cheesy advertisement on the TV for some local car dealership and the dialogue they decided to use was "UFO's have been spotted in your area." Now, looking back, they were using the term 'UFO' as an acronym for something but all I heard was the above phrase. I was up the entire night scared out of my mind.
As I grew older, I still worried. About money, about grades, about tests, about pretty much anything one could worry about, but it never really affected me, it was just a general worry. But lately, things have gone beyond worrying. I don't know if it's anxiety, but it's all I can think that would explain how I've been feeling.
I got married this past April. And before the "are you sure you were ready to get married," type questions arise, let me assure you that I love my Wife very much, we've been together for 5 years, lived together for 2 years, and I never had a second thought about marrying her. The main symptoms of my anxiety are a slight feeling of doom, worrying, mind going straight to the worst-case-scenario (i.e. my head hurts, I must have a brain tumor) and the most prevalent one is this empty/nauseous feeling, like I may be sick.
The first time I noticed this is the night of my bachelor party. My brother-in-law was going to be there and there were going to be strippers there. He knew that, my Wife knew that, yet it still had me nervous. I was fine until he showed up and I started getting very sick feeling. I barely even got to enjoy my bachelor party. It wasn't that bad until the day of the wedding when I felt sick all day up until my Wife started walking down the aisle and I was fine. I wrote that off as normal wedding day jitters. But over the past couple of months, things have gone a little crazy.
Im getting that sick feeling at least once or twice a day. It's only when I start to think. About anything. When I look back on old times with friends, when I look to the future, at random times. It's really hard to narrow it down. One thing that is really worrying me is the 2.5 hour flight to Orlando in August for our honeymoon. I was flying back from London a few years ago and went through some crazy turbulence that basically ruined flying for me. I have flown a couple of times since then and I was definitely very tense but I feel like this time is more magnified. It's so bad that I was driving by the airport the other day and started feeling sick. I finally went to the Doctor and he gave me a prescription for Klonopin for my flight. I haven't taken any yet to see how it will work for me.
All of this is really hard to put into words. I try and tell myself that 'everything happens for a reason' and 'enjoy life' and all of that. I try deep breathing. But I can't seem to shake this. I'm hoping this is a phase but I fear it isn't.
I have thought about going to talk to someone, but I wanted to try to fix this on my own first. And I'd really not like to be on meds unless absolutely necessary. I've never liked taking meds for anything.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what this might be or how to make it stop?