View Full Version : Still looking for a diagnosis

06-27-2013, 12:16 PM
So, two weeks ago all my blood tests came back good. I went to the ENT yesterday who only did a balance test and told me it was anxiety. Im still having a lot of issues. I never feel good. Im still dizzy a lot. My neck has been hurting for months. Im now looking into Lyme disease. I have been bitten a few times so far this year. I don't sleep more than a few hours a night and wake up in a sweat. Im just having a very hard time believing that this is ONLY anxiety..

06-27-2013, 12:54 PM
So, two weeks ago all my blood tests came back good. I went to the ENT yesterday who only did a balance test and told me it was anxiety. Im still having a lot of issues. I never feel good. Im still dizzy a lot. My neck has been hurting for months. Im now looking into Lyme disease. I have been bitten a few times so far this year. I don't sleep more than a few hours a night and wake up in a sweat. Im just having a very hard time believing that this is ONLY anxiety..

It does sound like just anxiety to me,I've had really bad dizzy spells on and off for years and so many tests which have all come back ok,anxiety can do alot of things

06-27-2013, 02:28 PM
I agree...it sounds a lot like anxiety! I've gone through a lot of the same or similar things. Dizziness, stiff neck, tension headaches, not being able to sleep...generally feeling like crap more than not. I had blood work done, all fine. Had an EKG done, all fine. The ER even did a urine sample and that was fine. Still have a lot of health anxiety, but trying to refrain from looking anything up and just talk to my doctor about things when I'm there instead. Like Em said, anxiety can do a LOT of things...more than you would really think...and looking up physical symptoms online is a horrible idea. It makes the anxiety about health issues so much worse. My tension headaches and stiff neck have been helped significantly by investing in some halfway decent pillows and trying to keep tabs on my posture throughout the day, as well as getting a massage once in a while which works wonders for me, especially in those areas...I tend to carry all my tension in my neck. Do you feel like you are not sleeping well because you're just anxious and restless?

06-27-2013, 02:46 PM
Do you feel like you are not sleeping well because you're just anxious and restless?

Its possible. Im not sure though. I wake up drenched in sweat. My neck has been hurting for awhile. Its at the base of my neck and down the sides and even in my upper back area. Ive been wondering if its my neck and shoulders causing the dizziness/lightheadedness (Sometimes its constant though and not just movement based). My posture is crap though. Ive noticed I sit hunched over a lot.

06-27-2013, 02:54 PM
Its possible. Im not sure though. I wake up drenched in sweat. My neck has been hurting for awhile. Its at the base of my neck and down the sides and even in my upper back area. Ive been wondering if its my neck and shoulders causing the dizziness/lightheadedness (Sometimes its constant though and not just movement based). My posture is crap though. Ive noticed I sit hunched over a lot.

My best suggestion on the neck and shoulders is to try a massage if you know of or can find someone who knows what they are doing and you are comfortable with to give you one. I was actually kind of amazing at how much it helped me. The person who gives me a massage worked a huge knot out of the back of my neck and I couldn't believe how much relief I felt afterwards, especially into the next day and ongoing. I'm the same way with my posture...I slouch a lot...and it's really hard to keep yourself from doing it because it's so subconscious...but I've just started by changing my posture any time I notice myself doing it. As far as sleep, I just try everything I can to really relax before I'm going to lay down to go to bed...just make sure I'm taking time to actually relax where I don't have to be doing anything else or thinking about doing anything else...drink a cup of hot tea, take a bath, whatever you find relaxing. I bought some Aches and Pain Relief bath salts (made by Village Naturals) when I was having the stiff neck issues and that was an amazing help as well, really soothing, and definitely helped with the aching.

06-27-2013, 02:55 PM
I have the neck and shoulder pain too. Always had bad bad posture and hunch my shoulders forward. I've always suspected myself of having TMJD because I clench and grind and tense up and it causes pain. I just learned though too that TMJD can be related to anxiety. I'm sure I have a bit of all of it!

06-27-2013, 02:59 PM
I have the neck and shoulder pain too. Always had bad bad posture and hunch my shoulders forward. I've always suspected myself of having TMJD because I clench and grind and tense up and it causes pain. I just learned though too that TMJD can be related to anxiety. I'm sure I have a bit of all of it!

I clench my teeth as well...it's awful. I used to do it mostly at night, but now it seems like it is all the time.

06-27-2013, 02:59 PM
Did/do you both have dizziness issues with your neck and shoulder issues?

06-27-2013, 03:01 PM
Yes, I do.

06-27-2013, 03:03 PM
Three things to consider in keeping track of the pain levels, location of pain, and the feelings associated with pain, a journal with stick drawing of the pain.

Recently, my pain transferred from the jaw to the back of the neck, outwards across the shoulders underneath the top layer of muscles. My doctor explained to me that "just anxiety" means that there is no life-threatening medical emergency event to be managed in the moment. The pain is real, the diagnosis is real, and the treatment is rest, relaxation, and refreshing the body and brain. So, when I make sure I'm hydrated both through liquid and food, I still feel the pain that's left and use the roll for the shoulders, the gentle side motion to loosen the tight neck muscles, and then stretch one hand straight up for a count of twelve (when I first started this one, I was only able to do count of eight then had to rest), rest, then other hand up for count of twelve. What this does for me is allow me to see where the pain is either moving to, coming from, or increasing, or decreasing.

The sweating is a physical symptom that can be from infection, from levels of electrolytes being out of balance, heat sensors overload, and can be difficult to figure out by itself.

The not sleeping well often relates to higher level of resting anxiety which you will be able to find the pattern of in a journal. Triggers of acute stress during the day can affect the ability of the body and brain to turn off the switch easily, so set a bedtime ritual that gives you the direction-I started with a thirty second breathing exercise, and when it's a high rise day, that works.

I hope this helps. If you hunch over, try leaning backwards to loosen those muscles - several times a day.

06-27-2013, 03:04 PM
I clench my teeth as well...it's awful. I used to do it mostly at night, but now it seems like it is all the time.

Same here. I know I do it at night since ow ale up with headaches and always in the same spot but throughout the day I will clench constantly and not think anything of it until I have a headache and and the. I realize I'm doing it and have to tell myself to stop. I've also recently become wry sensitive to light. If I'm in a dark room and go into a lit one I have a hard time adjusting and it messes with my vision and ability to focus. That can be anxiety and TMJD related too. Crazy how all this stuff ties together.

06-27-2013, 03:05 PM
Same here. I know I do it at night since ow ale up with headaches and always in the same spot but throughout the day I will clench constantly and not think anything of it until I have a headache and and the. I realize I'm doing it and have to tell myself to stop. I've also recently become wry sensitive to light. If I'm in a dark room and go into a lit one I have a hard time adjusting and it messes with my vision and ability to focus. That can be anxiety and TMJD related too. Crazy how all this stuff ties together.

*since I wake up.

06-27-2013, 03:08 PM
Did/do you both have dizziness issues with your neck and shoulder issues?

I do get dizziness on occasion and as a matter of fact would get tingling and pain and numbness in me left arm down to my hand and went to chiropractor for this issue. Was thinking it was solely that but now I'm realizing that while it may be a chiropractic issue it's probably more anxiety or the TMJ for me b

02-22-2014, 03:35 AM
If you know you've been bitten by a tick I'd say the chances are pretty High.. Find a llmd who follows ilads guidelines ASAP

02-22-2014, 05:40 AM
It does sound like anxiety! I feel lightheaded, dizzy (which the room isn't spinning, but feel odd.) and have severe tension headaches caused by my neck and back. It's all due to stress & depression. I'm a worried person. I just think & think and then I panic. You should try to get some over the counter pain relief ointment and massage your neck :) It does help!

Do you google your symptoms?

02-22-2014, 05:45 AM
My best suggestion on the neck and shoulders is to try a massage if you know of or can find someone who knows what they are doing and you are comfortable with to give you one. I was actually kind of amazing at how much it helped me. The person who gives me a massage worked a huge knot out of the back of my neck and I couldn't believe how much relief I felt afterwards, especially into the next day and ongoing. I'm the same way with my posture...I slouch a lot...and it's really hard to keep yourself from doing it because it's so subconscious...but I've just started by changing my posture any time I notice myself doing it. As far as sleep, I just try everything I can to really relax before I'm going to lay down to go to bed...just make sure I'm taking time to actually relax where I don't have to be doing anything else or thinking about doing anything else...drink a cup of hot tea, take a bath, whatever you find relaxing. I bought some Aches and Pain Relief bath salts (made by Village Naturals) when I was having the stiff neck issues and that was an amazing help as well, really soothing, and definitely helped with the aching.

How did you get rid of your neck stiffness/tension headaches? Mine have been going on and off for 2 years now.