View Full Version : I keep thinking i have Pulmonary Embolism, HELP!

06-27-2013, 10:38 AM
Lately for the past week i have been worrying about having a blood clot in my lungs (Pulmonary Embolism), started on sunday night when i had an annoying pin like pain at the top of my left chest, it didn't hurt too much and my breathing was alright. The next day i was at school and i had a panic attack about the pain as it wasn't going away, later on i begged my mother to take me to the doctors as i was sure i was having a blood clot, my doctor checked me out (blood pressure, temp, heart rate, breating etc.) and said i was fine and the pain was possibly muscular.

I am currently set to go back to school next monday, but i still feel anxious about this whole thing, i often feel like a Panic Attack is about to occur and still have some annoying pain around my chest, not pain i have never felt before but still.

For the record, i am 16, i do exercise every so often but i often sit down using my computer and i ain't overweight (my body shape is average). I dunno whats going on but i honestly can't tell, could someone please help.

06-27-2013, 10:48 AM
A lot of us here have health anxiety...and accepting the fact that you've been checked out by a doctor and they've told you that you're fine is hard to do because the anxious thoughts are so persistent. Chances are, after checking your vitals and your breathing and what not, if a doctor had a concern that something more serious was going on they wouldn't just tell you that you were fine. Did you specifically tell the doctor what you were worried about? Also, let the doctor know about the anxiety you are experiencing because they can treat that as well!

06-27-2013, 10:51 AM
I did tell him what i was worried about, he said i didn't have it...but i have issues trusting doctors, i heard stories about doctors telling people they were okay when they had serious illnesses, and they later on die due to that.

06-27-2013, 10:55 AM
I've also had issues with doctors...never had good experiences as a kid and avoided the doctor like the plague because of it...but I've come to realize that it's a little silly to lump them all together and assume they're all like the ones I've had bad experiences with. Do you have any reason not to trust this doctor? And if so, finding a doctor that you are comfortable with is really important, especially, I think, for people who have problems with anxiety. And remember that those kinds of stories aren't the norm. MOST doctors aren't going to BS you about having something serious going on that could be life threatening. If you are experiencing panic attacks, it's obvious that you are dealing with anxiety, so talking to someone about that might not be a bad idea.

06-27-2013, 10:58 AM
All i have to talk about those issues are my mother (father doesn't really know much about it)...and a psychologist at school...i honestly only have one friend but i don't see him much. Everyone else my age at my school hates me due to it being a special needs school (i have mild autism, but i honestly don't feel i belong with them). But thats for another thread.

06-27-2013, 11:03 AM
Maybe talk to you Mom about talking to the doctor or a counselor outside of school about the anxiety you are experiencing? I'm 26, but I understand about feeling out of place at school...I never fit in when I was your age, which caused a lot of anxiety for me. Nothing wrong with talking to someone about it...they may be able to give you suggestions or ideas to be able to deal with it. This forum is an excellent resource...check out some of the other threads. A lot of people here understand the anxiety you are going through and have great suggestions on how to cope with it! Seems like you have a good head on your shoulders...take advantage of it!

06-27-2013, 11:17 AM
I honestly just need to try and make new friends to distract me from thinking about my health all the damn time, but over in the UK almost everyone is an overly sensetive (i make enemies just by disagreeing with them sometimes...no joke...and about games or movies too) jackass with anger issues. But these pains i am having with my chest just feel uncomfortable and annoying rather than unbearably painful...but i think its the sign of something serious all the damn time. A few days ago i was worried about having a brain tumor, now a blood clot in my lungs.