View Full Version : Road trip today

06-27-2013, 10:19 AM
I can't help but get afraid of getting a blood clot every time I travel. Every single time. Anyone have any suggestions to forget about it, or to ignore the leg pains I'll imagine for the next week? Or even just stretches for prevention?

06-27-2013, 10:26 AM
Ummm why are you thinking blood clot?

06-27-2013, 10:31 AM
I think I've read too many articles about people getting them after driving long distances. Also, doctors have checked me several times for them before for other problems, and while I've never had one before, the thought has stayed with me. So now I'm driving 6 hours and get worried. :(.

I know it's irrational, but i can't seem to control it.

06-27-2013, 10:55 AM
So physically your fine? You don't have a blood clotting disease right?

06-27-2013, 11:04 AM
Stop every two hours to stretch! Bring thing to distract you! Stretch your seat back. And be sure to be comfy! Do not cross your legs! If thought came, realize they are just thoughts, and remove them quickly! If sensations come, talk them out to a rational state! Say sensation you feel like pins, and needles in my legs, or heavy and aches , whatever you feel describe it to yourself! Just the sensation! Not negative thoughts! NO WHAT IFS! Tell yourself it is only a symptom of my anxiety! And I am ok! I am ok! I am just fine where I am! Put you head back relax, and breath, slow deep breaths! Healthy air in through your nose, bad anxious air out! Consent rate on just your breathing for awhile, until you feel calm again.

06-27-2013, 11:07 AM
So physically your fine? You don't have a blood clotting disease right?

No, no clotting disease

06-27-2013, 11:08 AM
Stop every two hours to stretch! Bring thing to distract you! Stretch your seat back. And be sure to be comfy! Do not cross your legs! If thought came, realize they are just thoughts, and remove them quickly! If sensations come, talk them out to a rational state! Say sensation you feel like pins, and needles in my legs, or heavy and aches , whatever you feel describe it to yourself! Just the sensation! Not negative thoughts! NO WHAT IFS! Tell yourself it is only a symptom of my anxiety! And I am ok! I am ok! I am just fine where I am! Put you head back relax, and breath, slow deep breaths! Healthy air in through your nose, bad anxious air out! Consent rate on just your breathing for awhile, until you feel calm again.

Thank you. Great ideas. I know it's anxiety, but it helps to talk it out with people who understand. And I didn't even think about crossing legs, I do that all the time (cross my ankles).

06-27-2013, 12:28 PM
That causes you to tense your leg muscles in order to hold that position. Most don't realize it, but if you have anxiety your muscles tense up even more, it also just throws you posture out of line. Rotate your ankles often as you ride, just twirl your feet around. Ware slip off shoes. So you can wiggle those toes! Consent rate on having nice relaxed legs! All the way up to your hips. Consecrate on how GOOD they feel when they are relaxed!