View Full Version : Your opinion please

06-27-2013, 07:50 AM
I'm 12 weeks pregnant (yahoo!) and feeling pretty good. I have my bad days though. My doc prescribed zofran for those nauseous days. Well, last night as I was brushing my teeth, the sick feeling came. I couldn't keep it down...ran to the toilet and lost my cookies. The vomit burned! Then I started spitting after it was all done and there was blood in my spit. Just specs and lines. Now, for the entire pregnancy I've been having terrible post nasal drip and excess mucous. I'm spitting the mucous out constantly throughout the day. But last night with the blood in the mucous it scared me a bit. But I spit some this morning and there's no blood....
My throat still burns though. :(

06-27-2013, 09:00 AM
It's more than likely your post nasal drip causing the blood. I have had that problem along with nasal allergies forever. If it's still happening by your next doc appt, bring it up.

06-27-2013, 03:15 PM
I had a friend who would throw up and blood would be in it as well. She would throw up so severely and so often though that she was dehydrated and that and the force of throwing up is what was causing the blood. I wouldn't worry too much just maybe let your nurse or dr know and see what they think.