View Full Version : Questioning everything I like: Anxiety problem?

06-27-2013, 02:38 AM
So at the beginning of this month, I started my new job. At the same time, I finished off college. Obviously, this was quite a lot of pressure on me. Then, for some reason, I started questioning my sexuality. I was confused as to weather I was gay or not. I couldn't find a definitive, absolute answer, even though I knew all along that I was straight. At first I thought this was stress. But I finished college weeks ago, and have settled into my job, so I don't think it's that. So I'm thinking it could be anxiety. I'm starting to analyze everything a lot more, and actually think about why I'm doing what I'm doing, aswell as what the goal and outcome will be. Also, I feel as though my sexuality problem has dissolved (for now) and something else has come in which I feel is more intruding and personal to me: my love for video games. I've played games since 5 years old, and now I'm thinking when I'm playing them "Am I really finding this fun? What is even the goal of playing these games?". It may sound ludicrous, yes, but this is just an extremely personal matter to me, since I play video games religiously.

I'll admit, I think I am depressed in some form, which has been an ongoing problem since December last year. But this anxiety has only started at the beginning of this month. My heart rate is usually above average, I can't think or concentrate, and I'm having trouble sleeping. Could someone shed some light as to what this could be? Does this sound like anxiety? And if so, what would be a way to relieve this?
All help greatly appreciated.

06-27-2013, 02:57 AM
Could be depression and stress. Questionning the validity of past times and such is something I do as well. But if you have no past times then you'll kjust feel bored and probablycontinue to over think even more. Distractions are helpful to relieve stress and help alieviate anxiety and depression. Problem with the latter 2 is that they sap enthusiasm and drive in life and you wind up no longer enjoying things you used to.

I game a lot too, there was only one time when I gave it up. I thought I needed to go out and be social etc and spent a whole summer doing just that. But it wasn't for me. Gaming is just as valid a past time as any other. Perhaps if you feel the enjoyment factor is stagnating perhaps try new hobbies?


06-27-2013, 06:25 AM
Could be depression and stress. Questionning the validity of past times and such is something I do as well. But if you have no past times then you'll kjust feel bored and probablycontinue to over think even more. Distractions are helpful to relieve stress and help alieviate anxiety and depression. Problem with the latter 2 is that they sap enthusiasm and drive in life and you wind up no longer enjoying things you used to.

I game a lot too, there was only one time when I gave it up. I thought I needed to go out and be social etc and spent a whole summer doing just that. But it wasn't for me. Gaming is just as valid a past time as any other. Perhaps if you feel the enjoyment factor is stagnating perhaps try new hobbies?


It's not that I don't find them fun per say. I'm just over thinking it whenever I play a game, like "Why am I playing this? What goal is there and what is the benefit of it?". Overall I guess that does remove the fun, but I'm just getting confused, frustrated and depressed that I'm thinking that something I've spent my life adoring is being questioned so randomly. Judging by how this is more or less the same as the sexuality problem I described earlier, I'm fairly sure it'll go away and I'll move on to something else to be worried about, but the feeling is just horrible.

06-27-2013, 07:39 AM
So at the beginning of this month, I started my new job. At the same time, I finished off college. Obviously, this was quite a lot of pressure on me. Then, for some reason, I started questioning my sexuality. I was confused as to weather I was gay or not. I couldn't find a definitive, absolute answer, even though I knew all along that I was straight. At first I thought this was stress. But I finished college weeks ago, and have settled into my job, so I don't think it's that. So I'm thinking it could be anxiety. I'm starting to analyze everything a lot more, and actually think about why I'm doing what I'm doing, aswell as what the goal and outcome will be. Also, I feel as though my sexuality problem has dissolved (for now) and something else has come in which I feel is more intruding and personal to me: my love for video games. I've played games since 5 years old, and now I'm thinking when I'm playing them "Am I really finding this fun? What is even the goal of playing these games?". It may sound ludicrous, yes, but this is just an extremely personal matter to me, since I play video games religiously.

I'll admit, I think I am depressed in some form, which has been an ongoing problem since December last year. But this anxiety has only started at the beginning of this month. My heart rate is usually above average, I can't think or concentrate, and I'm having trouble sleeping. Could someone shed some light as to what this could be? Does this sound like anxiety? And if so, what would be a way to relieve this?
All help greatly appreciated.

This sounds like OCD.. I am OCD too. It is quite treatable.. And the recovery is amazing.. But I just copied n pasted this for you..

"Relationship Intrusive Thoughts - Obsessive doubts over the suitability of a relationship, one’s partner or one's own sexuality are the main focus for the obsessional thoughts. Obsessional thoughts include:

Constantly analysing the depth of feelings for one's partner, placing the partner and the relationship under a microscope and finding fault.
Constantly needing to seek reassurance and approval from one's partner.
Doubts that one's partner is being faithful.
Doubts that one may cheat on their partner.

Questioning one’s own sexuality, and having feelings, thoughts and impulses about being attracted to members of the same sex.

The constant analysing and questioning of the relationship and partner often places immense strain on the relationship and the result is a person with OCD will often end the relationship to rid themselves of the doubt and anxiety, which is usually often repeated with any subsequent relationship.

Sexual Intrusive Thoughts - Obsessive thoughts of unintentionally causing inappropriate sexual harm (i.e. to children) unintentionally, or the constant questioning

of one’s own sexuality are the main focuses for these obsessional doubts. Obsessional thoughts can include:

Fearing being a paedophile and being sexually attracted to children.
Fearing being sexually attracted to members of one's own family.
Fearing being attracted to members of the same sex (homosexual OCD).
Thoughts about touching a child inappropriately.
Intrusive sexual thoughts about God, saints or, religious figures."


We usually associate OCD with the compulsion as well.. But many of us- myself included.. Do not have the compulsions.. But just the obsessions..

U can see the mention of questioning ones sexuality up there in the copied n pasted info ..