View Full Version : Toothache, pressure in ears and other weird things.

09-06-2007, 12:16 PM
I have some new symptoms scaring the hell out of me.

I'll describe how I feel right now. I just had dinner, I sat at the computer, and I felt a sort of pressure in my ears. I still feel it - it's really pressure, I can hear well, but I'm afraid something is going to damage my hearing.
Obviously I had this moment in wich I felt I was going to pass out, a flash of a couple of seconds, the gone. I'm used to it.

Apart from feeling my heart skipping beats, and having a cold and light fever, And sharp pains to the left side of the chest, I have a terrible toothache. All my teeth are sore, it's very unconfortable, and the last few days I felt like that after eating.

Now I have a series of tests to be done - ecg, sight (since I have a weird blurry vision at times), and dentist.
Crappy times...

Some comfort out there?

09-06-2007, 08:22 PM
People with anxiety tend to overestimate the chances of something rare, and underestimate the chances of what's common. It's because we feel that if the small chance of something negative does come true, we need to be prepared.

The chances are that you have allergies that are causing your ears to be plugged, and making your sinuses inflamed (which can cause tooth pain), or some other common explanation. You need to accept the possibility that you could have something really bad that you may not catch in time. By accepting that possibility and moving on, I guarantee you will be much happier in the long run!

So, accept the possiblity of something bad, and decide to take action when appropriate. For instance, decide that if these symptoms don't clear up in two weeks, you should see the doctor. So now you know what you are going to do so you can put it out of your mind.

I hope this helps. Health anxiety is the worst! I think it was the last thing to go for me, and it still creeps up every once in a while. Good luck!

09-09-2007, 04:09 AM
Anxiety can trigger very real physical symptoms.

Remember when you're in fight-or-flight mode you become hypersensitive. A little pain become a big pain, tension can shoot nervy pains into random parts of the body.

Having said that, deferred pain form sensitive or decayed teeth can also cause ear pain and headaches so maybe get that checked out.

I'm pretty sure that if you said to an anxious person something like this: "There's this disease you have a 0.001% chance of having. They first sign of developing the disease is leg pain and as you don't have that, I wouldn't worry". Well, I sure many of us would start identifying any quite normal twinge, sensation or whatever in the leg as that warning sign, even hyping them up so sensations become real pains.

09-09-2007, 04:18 AM
I've got a fever, which apparently is around, the toothache is gone, and so the worry. My doctor says I sometimes have "neurovegetative bursts" or something. Therefore anxiety-related. That when it happens, I should lie and breathe.

09-09-2007, 04:19 AM
But I swear, teethache is starting again right now...

09-12-2007, 08:04 PM
I get heart palpitations, i have serious health anxiety.... i witness my dad die of a massive heart attack 8 months ago... i tried giving him CPR but he died there regardless... since then panic attacks and hypersensitive feelings in my chest are a regular. My Dr. Diagnosed me with G.A.D. and PTSD... either way, whatever he calls it, i still say it feels like i'm having a heart attack of my own and i'm going crazy all at the same time... I've gone from thinking I had Cancer to thinking my Blood Was Poisoned... what the hell kind of thoughts are those? Anyway, Anxiety is such an over reaction. It sucks though, because it feels so real... yet we know it's so fake.