View Full Version : Chest/Neck Tension- Anxiety Pain

09-06-2007, 03:54 AM
Hey everyone-

I'm planning to move out of where I'm currently living (much needed)- and go for CBT one-on-one asap. In the meantime, can anyone reccommend anything to relieve my chest pain/neck tension- as its getting unbearable (lived with it for over a year) I'm fine once I've woken up, but as soon as I think I'm ok- it comes straight away, and stays all day.

Just wondered if anyone has some general tips?

I try exercise, but seems to make it worse. The same for breathing techniques too. Your experiences would be much appreciated :-)



09-06-2007, 08:28 PM
Common breathing techniqes never really worked for me either, although I did find one that helped. This particular book suggested following the rule of opposites... For instance if you are short of breath, your initial instinct is to take a deep breath in. Never works. Rarely do you feel relief. So it suggested doing the opposite, and taking a deep breath out. So, basically exhale all you can, then breath normally. It helped me a lot.

The best thing I ever did for neck tension was quit my job! I was working at a computer all day. Now i'm in sales, moving around a lot, and let me tell you, neck pain is gone! Look at what you're doing all day- it could be contributing.

A quick 20 minutes relaxation tape will help too. I used to use Lucinda Bassett's recording (Attacking Anxiety program).