View Full Version : Leg pain and twitches...help!!

06-26-2013, 04:03 PM
Hi everyone. I am new here, but not new to anxiety. I have suffered with it for about 4 years, every since I found out I have a heart murmur (dumb I know).
Anyway, for the last 4 days or so I have had this annoying pain, burning pain in my calf. It started out as a weird overly rubbed feeling on the side of my foot. Now I am having twitches like crazy!! I am so scared I have a blood clot :( I go to the ER so much that I don't wanna go unless Absolutely necessary...my husband thinks I'm a hypo, so that doesn't help matters either. Besides, he's sort of a sociopath, so that only makes things worse.
I have had pains like this before in my calf (and ran to the ER, all was fine), but I just can't shake the thought of DVT. I googled and now I'm terrified. I also have this weird vibrating in my right foot!
I think I'm going crazy...FOR REAL!!
Any encouragement, advice, help would be much appreciated.

06-26-2013, 04:18 PM
Oh no, the dreaded Googling! It's really a bit like an addiction, isn't it...Googling. The worst addiction ever for someone with health anxiety! Knock on wood, but I think I've finally kicked the habit...once I realized how much it was actually affecting me and fueling my anxiety to be constantly looking up my symptoms. It's really counterproductive. At any rate, you're not going crazy! And I know how you feel about not wanting to go to the ER...it sucks where I live because all the regular doctors close at 5pm and we don't have an Urgent Care, so the ER is the only option after work hours...and it's definitely embarrassing to be running to the ER time after time for them to tell you that you're having anxiety...all though the medicine cabinet fills quickly with a whole regimen of different anti-anxiety medications (that I never take)! Have you done anything to your leg that might cause the pain? There have been times in the past where I've strained or injured something without even realizing it.

06-26-2013, 05:06 PM
I get leg twitches and vibrations all the time. So does my doctor, so does my friend...and so do a lot of other people.

06-26-2013, 10:31 PM
That's what my husband says all the time, but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. Thank you for the encouragement though :) it's just hard when the pain is there to remind you.
It's feeling a little better, it comes and goes...anxiety stinks 😢

06-26-2013, 10:50 PM
Hi everyone. I am new here, but not new to anxiety. I have suffered with it for about 4 years, every since I found out I have a heart murmur (dumb I know).
Anyway, for the last 4 days or so I have had this annoying pain, burning pain in my calf. It started out as a weird overly rubbed feeling on the side of my foot. Now I am having twitches like crazy!! I am so scared I have a blood clot :( I go to the ER so much that I don't wanna go unless Absolutely necessary...my husband thinks I'm a hypo, so that doesn't help matters either. Besides, he's sort of a sociopath, so that only makes things worse.
I have had pains like this before in my calf (and ran to the ER, all was fine), but I just can't shake the thought of DVT. I googled and now I'm terrified. I also have this weird vibrating in my right foot!
I think I'm going crazy...FOR REAL!!
Any encouragement, advice, help would be much appreciated.

I had this exact same pain last week as you're describing and thought blood clot and DVT also but here I am a week later and no more leg pain, it just went away.

06-28-2013, 10:10 AM
Thank you MrsJ....I am hoping that is what happens with me. It comes and goes, so it's annoying. I am going on a week, so maybe I will wake up tomorrow and it will be gone!! It has now started to burn and move into my other leg. UGH!!