View Full Version : Bad at night

06-26-2013, 03:05 PM
During the day I'm usually fine come evening / night time my anxiety is bad palpertaions chest pain and pain in my neck it's horrible and gets my heart racing I always think bad at night as well soon as I feel chest pain I think I'm going to die or something! Why at night time?? I just want to get better :(

06-26-2013, 03:19 PM
My mind goes crazy at night as well...maybe it's because it is the time of day when my mind has finally shut itself down as far as focusing on work stuff, or school stuff, or whatever else that I HAVE to do...so by the time I'm home at night and there's nothing in particular I have to be thinking about, that's when my mind starts to wander and that can be dangerous! I try to do something really relaxing before I try to go to sleep (drink a cup of hot tea, take a hot bath with relaxing bath salts...Village Naturals makes bath salts for Stress and Tension that are awesome, but they also have one for Aches and Pains that I LOVE) because the worst for me is when I lay down in the dark to try and actually go to bed.

06-26-2013, 03:38 PM
I agree. It's because your mind is occupied during the day and you have more people around with interactions. It's when you slow down and you're either alone or with fewer people around that your brain starts to wander back, even if subconsciously. Try putting on some relaxing music, light a few aroma candles, soak in a warm bubble bath, and pick up a good, soothing book to read. I've found that really helps. Hope you rest well tonight.

06-26-2013, 04:03 PM
Night time is my bad time as well, but sometimes i have issues during the day, driving and having to wait at lights, my toes start to tingle lol and hot flashes! But mostly I have a decent work week. Soon as I close my eyes I feel the heart start beating. The beta blockers have help a lot with that. I manage ok

06-26-2013, 04:12 PM
Evenings used to be bad for me too I found what helped was finding the exact time I though was bad and taking my anxiety meds before that like an hr before. It helped a lot I take seroquel.

06-26-2013, 04:39 PM
Evenings used to be bad for me too I found what helped was finding the exact time I though was bad and taking my anxiety meds before that like an hr before. It helped a lot I take seroquel.

Good idea! I take my AD three hours before bed and a Xanax around an hour later if needed

06-26-2013, 05:22 PM
I have that too! chest and neck pain and night time is the worst for me too. I've started buying magazines and looking at those at night. It's something kinda mindless that occupies my mind just enough to keep it off my anxiety but not something that will make me not sleep (if that makes any sense)

06-27-2013, 12:42 AM
I don't take meds as I am very anti drugs i don't believe in them I want to fight this on my own because the meds help people but coming of them are the worse thing because you kind of have to start again but with out meds my dr told me to take beta blockers but after reading about it I decided not to! So any natural ways to help anxiety please can people let me know what helps them? Everyone is different and people who take meds it's your own choose so please don't think I'm offening any one I just choose not to. :) thanks for all your replies xx

06-27-2013, 08:47 AM
I don't take meds as I am very anti drugs i don't believe in them I want to fight this on my own because the meds help people but coming of them are the worse thing because you kind of have to start again but with out meds my dr told me to take beta blockers but after reading about it I decided not to! So any natural ways to help anxiety please can people let me know what helps them? Everyone is different and people who take meds it's your own choose so please don't think I'm offening any one I just choose not to. :) thanks for all your replies xx

I'm the same way...very uncomfortable with taking prescription medications. Like you said, not meant to offend anyway, I'm just personally really uncomfortable with it and wanting to try other alternatives before I go down that path...especially one of taking long term medications. One of the most beneficial things I've done the past few weeks is finally finding someone I'm comfortable with to go to for a massage. I don't think I really even realized just how tense I was until he worked a HUGE knot out of the back of my neck...no wonder I was having tension headaches and a stiff neck constantly! He also introduced me to Reiki, a Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction that combines massage and energy work...I've only done that once, but it was one of the most relaxing things I've ever experienced! Other than that, I've been really focusing on trying to take time out of my day where I'm NOT thinking about anything I have to do. Last night was the first night in months that I picked up a book and started reading, and it felt so good to just get lost in the book for a little while and not be thinking about anything stressful! Right now I'm looking into some other natural options...some herbal supplements that I've heard can be beneficial for anxiety.

06-27-2013, 09:08 AM
I'm the same way...very uncomfortable with taking prescription medications. Like you said, not meant to offend anyway, I'm just personally really uncomfortable with it and wanting to try other alternatives before I go down that path...especially one of taking long term medications. One of the most beneficial things I've done the past few weeks is finally finding someone I'm comfortable with to go to for a massage. I don't think I really even realized just how tense I was until he worked a HUGE knot out of the back of my neck...no wonder I was having tension headaches and a stiff neck constantly! He also introduced me to Reiki, a Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction that combines massage and energy work...I've only done that once, but it was one of the most relaxing things I've ever experienced!
That's good to hear! I went to a GI dr for chest pain and she said some of it is muscular. So I'm getting my first massage tonight!

06-27-2013, 09:10 AM
That's good to hear! I went to a GI dr for chest pain and she said some of it is muscular. So I'm getting my first massage tonight!

Awesome!! I honestly couldn't believe how much it helped me to relax. I mean, I know massages are supposed to be relaxing but I've never found someone I trust and am comfortable with, so they've never really been relaxing for me before. I'm SO glad I found someone because it's so helpful!

06-27-2013, 09:19 AM
I woke up worrying at about 3am. I would relax and within a minute realized my entire body was tense. Relax. Tense. For 2 hours until my alarm went off.

I get anxious at night and everyone is right. Your mind and activity levels are winding down. I try to watch tv but I can't focus on anything other than my anxiety.

07-10-2013, 08:31 AM
Hey I get really bad anxiety at night .. If you ever want to talk just PM me and we can chat , I like talking it help me to relax and its nice to have someone to chat to when everyone is fast asleep

07-10-2013, 09:30 AM
Hey I get really bad anxiety at night .. If you ever want to talk just PM me and we can chat , I like talking it help me to relax and its nice to have someone to chat to when everyone is fast asleep

Hey shell.... I've PM u a few times when I've asked to talk but think nice been a bit late ( time diff ) as didn't hear back
How ru ?

07-10-2013, 09:41 AM
my wife has same issues as OP.. one magnesium pill after dinner always works for her.. it's very calming