View Full Version : Options when getting back into work

06-26-2013, 08:33 AM
Hey all, so I've been offered a really good opportunity and a good company, and really want to get back into working, I've been going to the gym a few days a week with a friend. Now as I'm sure it#s common, I am scared noend about getting my money etc stopped, starting the job, and then freaking out etc and being back to square one, so I'm curious if anyone knows about any like, back to work support or anything that could help, in the UK.

06-26-2013, 10:47 AM
The companies HR department would be able to provide you with more information. It's likely you'll be in interviewed and speaking with one of them to begin with anyway. So perhaps see what help they can offer you? The HR department where I work has been very understanding and helpful.
