View Full Version : Reiki Healing

06-25-2013, 03:51 PM
Has anyone else ever tried Reiki healing to deal with stress and anxiety? I grew up in a community that was/is really big on natural healing of all sorts, so over the past few weeks I've gone to them in search of answers to some of the things I've been dealing with, especially since I've felt pretty defeated by my primary health care and feeling like I'm grasping for any kind of insight I can possibly get.

So, last week I decided to go to a good friend of mine and his partner who do Reiki and other holistic and spiritual healing work, and get a Reiki session, which I've never done before. In all honesty, I normally might have said I don't really believe in one's ability to move energies and the like, and have never bought into it enough to try it, so it was definitely out of my element. But I thought it couldn't hurt anything, and I've been feeling a little desperate, I admit.

Going into the session, I had some anxiety that I could feel building...worrying that I might laugh or just think the whole thing was a crock, not be able to hold still or relax, just not really knowing quite what to expect...all of it. Thankfully, I trust both the people doing the session, so I kept reassuring myself that I was in good hands. So, I got there and took a deep breath and just tried to relax...laid down on the massage table on my back, fully clothed of course, knees slightly elevated on a rolled up blanket, hands at my sides. So, through about an hour long journey, I can honestly say that I'd never expect to have experienced quite what I did during that time. That's not to say anything particularly strange happened, but I didn't really think anything at all would happen. Instead, though, I definitely experienced a deep relaxation, and sensations that I can only attribute to a movement of energy, that were almost slightly frightening in the sense that they were unexpected. At any rate, I just thought I'd post about it here and see if anyone else has tried it or has any experience with it...and thought it could be an idea for someone to try!

Just a little information, Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. It is administered by the use of ones hands being placed lightly on or just off of the body and is based on the idea that an unseen life force energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress and if it is high we are more capable of being happy and healthy. It is a simple method that combines meditation and massage.

Some of the benefits of Reiki: promotes and accelerates the body's own natural ability to heal, aids in deep, restful, peaceful sleep (1 hour of Reiki is equal to 3 Hours of deep sleep on the healing and repair level), balances the energy centers (chakras) in the body, strengthens the immune system allowing it to better deal with daily stress and viruses, relieves pain including headaches and backaches and relaxing the muscles, helps to free from addictions, clears toxins from the body, relaxes and reduces stress, treats the root cause of illnesses, balances the organs and glands and their functions, releases blocked and suppressed feelings and emotions, improves mental well-being and promotes greater ability to deal with every day challenges, calms and relaxes the mind, improves ability to concentrate, facilitates decision making abilities, enhances personal awareness, promotes creativity and improves memory, aids in meditation and positive thinking, promotes courage in making positive changes in ones lift, releases fears, deeper self love and self worth, improves confidence, calms and balances emotions, promotes feelings of contentment, love and peace, enhances relationships, increases intuition and other multi-sensory abilities, helps in the progression of spiritual grown and deepens a connection with the higher self.

Would love to hear anyone's thoughts on this or experiences with other natural methods of dealing with anxiety!