View Full Version : Toilet related Anxiety.. Will hypnotherapy help?

09-05-2007, 04:04 PM
Hi i am new to the forum and wondered if many people have what i have.. feel like its running my life :(

Basically i have to make myself go to the toilet (number 2) before i leave the house, or literally 20 mins after, eg on the tube i will have terrible stomach cramps and will have to get off to find a toilet.

I hate it, as its running my life.. i literally cant just go out i have to go to the loo, and even than sometimes i will be in a situation where there is no loo and i will need it!! I cant let my bowels run my life!

I am starting college in a few weeks and im really scared i will get nervous and need the loo a few times, its just embarassing!!

Im going to seek hypnotherapy, will this cure me??

Does anyone know of any good Hypnotherapists in London?

Rachel :oops:

09-06-2007, 08:50 PM
Ugh, this totally ran my life too during most of high school and middle school.

Do you ever take immodium?? I found that just carrying it with me was a comfort and reduced my problem. I would also take a half pill "just in case" if i had a big important event coming up. After a while, my problem sort of disapeared since i wasn't worrying about it as much.

Also, i always try to go through the worst case scenario. Like- I'm going to place X, if i have to do number 2 I will leave class and go do it. If someone is in the bathroom, I will just make noise, and oh well. If i have to go again, I will just get up from class again and go. If i have to go a third time, then I will consider that maybe I'm sick and just go home.

Having a game plan like that calmed me down. I mean, yeah, it's embarassing to keep leaving to go to the bathroom, but it's just a fact of what you've got to do. Thinking through the whole scenario makes you realize that maybe it isn't as big of a deal as you think.

Good luck!

09-16-2007, 12:31 AM

Sorry to hear about your experience.

I have a few IBS recommendations for you:

1) It helps to take a SOLUBLE fiber supplement with each meal, for example, CITRUCEL or METAMUCIL. Remember, SOLUBLE fiber.

Now, I know you're thinking that fiber will cause a bowel movement and make things worse, but the truth is that SOLUBLE fiber does the opposite, it will stabilize your colonic motility and normalize bowel movements.

2) You might try ENTERIC COATED PEPPERMINT OIL PILLS. They REALLY REALLY REALLY work, and they are very cheap. You can find them online.

When I take peppermint oil, it is literally IMPOSSIBLE for me to experience any kind of cramping--even massive stress won't do it. Peppermint oil apparently has ingredients that naturally calm your entire digestive track.

However, you have to be careful because peppermint oil can cause heartburn. If it does cause heartburn, contact your physician so that you can figure out what the best approach is. Your IBS may be so bad that minor heartburn is worth it--but this judgment needs to be made by your physician, otherwise you might cause damage to your upper GI tract.

3) If you can't find a hypnotherapist, you can buy hypnotherapy CD's specifically tailored for IBS. The people that I know who have tried the CD's have experienced profound changes.

Just google search "hypnosis IBS". This option doesn't always work as well as direct contact with a hypnotherapist, but it will save you a LOT of money. Very few people can afford long term services from a hypnotist.

Best wishes,