View Full Version : fainting

06-24-2013, 10:06 PM
So today im at the store its noonish. Im looking at desserts and bam ... Light headed hit. I felt like i was gonna faint. I wanted to sit down but instead i grabbed my kids and got out of the store to take a zanex... Mind u i hadn't eaten yet... And all i had this morning was a cup of coffee ( i know bad!).... But the spirt and sudden onset of the terrible light headed feeling scares the shit out of me ..... Does anyone else experpence this and if so what if anything has helped u

06-25-2013, 12:18 AM
All day every day for 13 months, lol. It's been so long now, that what helps me would be different for someone who doesn't feel it all the time(I simply know I'm not going to faint, if I was, I would have already)

It's very common to feel this in stores while shopping though, I went though a couple weeks where every time I left my house I'd feel it. Breathing through it has helped me, in through the nose, hold for 5 seconds, out through mouth.

06-25-2013, 12:27 AM
Thank u ;0) i don't want it to get to the point were its an everyday issue :(

06-25-2013, 01:55 AM
It got there with me because it turned into a phobia and I thought about it/feared it everyday. The more we fear a symptom, or the more we obsess over a symptom, the longer it sticks around.

If you have felt this before, and never fainted, your chances of fainting are slim to none. If it was going to cause you to faint, it would have happened already. Feeling faint is just another anxiety lie.

06-25-2013, 06:10 AM
I have had this fear for years. It started after my second child was born. I passed out once when I was 9 from a burn and never thought anything of it again until my early thirties when it happened again. I passed out twice in about 3 years. The first time I laughed about it the second time I went to the er. Doc said nothing wrong some people are more prone to fainting and I think I was getting over a stomach virus.
Sorry if this is hard to understand. I Am typing from my phone and should b working.. Lol. My biggest fear was always fainting in front of my children. I tried so many different tactics to get over this fear. I used a tool from an anxiety website that used to say a calm mind won't faint.
Unfortunately 5 years ago my biggest fear did come true. My kids were 4 and 6 and I was pregnant. I suffered a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and fainted while waiting on the porch with them for a ride to the hospital. Luckily I had been driving with them earlier ironically coming from my first OB appt. Thank God I had nothing but pain at that point.
Anyway the reason I am telling I this is because even though my kids still remember that day, we have made it through. They are not traumatized and there life doesn't seem to be affected by it. Shit happens that we can't control.
You are not alone with this thought... The title of your post made me curious to see if there was any more good advice out there on the subject because I would so love to move on from this.
Good luck!

06-25-2013, 10:52 AM
Thank you all for your storys and advice

06-25-2013, 11:33 AM
It got there with me because it turned into a phobia and I thought about it/feared it everyday. The more we fear a symptom, or the more we obsess over a symptom, the longer it sticks around.

If you have felt this before, and never fainted, your chances of fainting are slim to none. If it was going to cause you to faint, it would have happened already. Feeling faint is just another anxiety lie.

Please help show me how to avoid this phobia ? I've been feeling off balance and lightheaded for about 3 months now . From the moment I wake up to the moment I got to bed . I can't stop thinking about it ! It's so hard not too think about it when I feel it constantly . I do tell myself that it's nothing over and over , but damn sometimes I just can't take it No more and I just want to flip out !

06-25-2013, 11:35 AM
Please help show me how to avoid this phobia ? I've been feeling off balance and lightheaded for about 3 months now . From the moment I wake up to the moment I got to bed . I can't stop thinking about it ! It's so hard not too think about it when I feel it constantly . I do tell myself that it's nothing over and over , but damn sometimes I just can't take it No more and I just want to flip out !

Hello there :) it's only your anxiety,I've had this Symptom for years with my anxiety there's nothing wrong with you I felt the same as you and had loads of tests done and nothing,I know it's not a nice feeling at all but it's really nothing wrong,I hope this helps :)

06-25-2013, 11:58 AM
Hello there :) it's only your anxiety,I've had this Symptom for years with my anxiety there's nothing wrong with you I felt the same as you and had loads of tests done and nothing,I know it's not a nice feeling at all but it's really nothing wrong,I hope this helps :)

Definitely anxiety! I went through this for years! It started to make me agoraphobic. I was always worried I would faint and what's most hilarious is not once did I ever EVER faint because of these little dizzy spells. You can experience a bit of dizziness for very harmless causes such as just standing up too fast or even being motion sensitive. I am motion sensitive. My desk chair at work rotates and every so often it will happen without me being aware and I have a movement of off balance and it will scare me. It used to happen very often and it would ruin me for that day, nothing but fear and anxiety that it would occur again. I am much much better out it now. It still happens on occasion and I just kind of have to say "whoops!" and let it go. That's all you can do is let it go. The anxiety comes about when you can stop thinking about it. It becomes the obsession and then you start to "feel" it just because you're so obsessed you'll feel it. As Shepard said, you just have to breathe through it!

06-25-2013, 12:00 PM
Hello there :) it's only your anxiety,I've had this Symptom for years with my anxiety there's nothing wrong with you I felt the same as you and had loads of tests done and nothing,I know it's not a nice feeling at all but it's really nothing wrong,I hope this helps :)

Do you really think so.. I'm not anxious when I'm feeling lightheaded .... I'm thinking of having "loads" of tests myself ! I just don't know ?

06-25-2013, 12:05 PM
Do you really think so.. I'm not anxious when I'm feeling lightheaded .... I'm thinking of having "loads" of tests myself ! I just don't know ?

Belive me it's anxiety,by all means if you want to go for tests then ask your doctor but I bet everything will come back clear :)

06-25-2013, 12:09 PM
Do you really think so.. I'm not anxious when I'm feeling lightheaded .... I'm thinking of having "loads" of tests myself ! I just don't know ?

I'm the same way...I won't be feeling anxious at all, but I'll start feeling dizzy or swimmy or heavy headed (pressure in the back of my head and neck), and THEN the anxiety starts because I don't like the way it feels and it's been a daily thing for me for the last couple of weeks.

06-25-2013, 12:18 PM
Do you really think so.. I'm not anxious when I'm feeling lightheaded .... I'm thinking of having "loads" of tests myself ! I just don't know ?

There's nothing wrong with having test done. At the very least they can prove to you that you don't have anything wrong with you which can help give some piece of mind. It may be a good idea. For all you know you could have a slight vitamin deficiency like low iron or something. The truth is that lightheaded-ness is a very common thing and rarely is it an indication of anything serious. Never hurts to get a physical! I know with my doctor, when I went in for anxiety they still ran tests on me to confirm that it was anxiety and not an underlying illness. I had a heart test, lung test and blood tests. My newest doctor just ran labs on me a few weeks ago and I was all clear health wise. Mine is definitely just anxiety!

06-25-2013, 12:26 PM
I'm the same way...I won't be feeling anxious at all, but I'll start feeling dizzy or swimmy or heavy headed (pressure in the back of my head and neck), and THEN the anxiety starts because I don't like the way it feels and it's been a daily thing for me for the last couple of weeks.

That's exactly how I feel ! To be honest I've been coping with it , and just yesterday i started dreading on it .... Then BAM ! Here we go again, I scared myself , started feeling WAY worse,made an appt. for an M.R.I and more extensive blood work . Didn't sleep at all last nite :-( . It's hard .... Super hard

06-25-2013, 12:28 PM
Belive me it's anxiety,by all means if you want to go for tests then ask your doctor but I bet everything will come back clear :)

I'd hate to spend all that $$ for nothing , but yet I think I need to make sure ... If I had a brain tumor is be dead by now right ? They don't stick around for months do they?

06-25-2013, 04:20 PM
This is me and when it starts to happen I just say this is just a sensation, it will pass. When you start doin that and realizing that's what it is, it will subside. I fight it everyday but yday after bein afraid to pass out in public, I went to the store 3 times and just did the breathing method and told myself that it was anxiety and nothing was Wrong with me and I made it through. The more you sit and worry about it, the longer it's gonna hang around. It will eventually make your neck hurt, and your ears fill full all of the time.

06-25-2013, 07:42 PM
Raider, the only way to avoid this becoming a phobia is to realize that its nothing bad and will not harm you or cause you to pass out. It was debilitating for me when I first started feeling it, because I thought I was about to die every time I felt it,but the more it happened, the less i started to fear it because it never escalated into anything bad..and it never will for you either.

What I've learned over the last 13 months dealing with this, is that anxiety is a mindset, and its extremely difficult to let go of the fear, but it is most certainly possible. A week ago I was having panic attacks every night and couldn't relax no matter what, then one night I said you know what, who cares..I no longer give a fuck about how I feel, this BS can't hurt me and I choose not to fear it anymore..and guess what? I actually feel pretty close to normal again, no panic attacks, symptoms still linger but I can feel them getting weaker and weaker..I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel now, simply because I made a choice not to be afraid anymore. I know that this is extremely hard, hell it took me over a year..but it happened. I always say on this forum, fear is a choice..I'm not saying any of us chose anxiety disorders, but we can choose to turn the fear off if we really try. I did, and it worked.

06-25-2013, 11:55 PM
Raider, the only way to avoid this becoming a phobia is to realize that its nothing bad and will not harm you or cause you to pass out. It was debilitating for me when I first started feeling it, because I thought I was about to die every time I felt it,but the more it happened, the less i started to fear it because it never escalated into anything bad..and it never will for you either.

What I've learned over the last 13 months dealing with this, is that anxiety is a mindset, and its extremely difficult to let go of the fear, but it is most certainly possible. A week ago I was having panic attacks every night and couldn't relax no matter what, then one night I said you know what, who cares..I no longer give a fuck about how I feel, this BS can't hurt me and I choose not to fear it anymore..and guess what? I actually feel pretty close to normal again, no panic attacks, symptoms still linger but I can feel them getting weaker and weaker..I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel now, simply because I made a choice not to be afraid anymore. I know that this is extremely hard, hell it took me over a year..but it happened. I always say on this forum, fear is a choice..I'm not saying any of us chose anxiety disorders, but we can choose to turn the fear off if we really try. I did, and it worked.

Thanks ! Hearing all this advice on here really helps,

06-26-2013, 05:26 AM
Raider, the only way to avoid this becoming a phobia is to realize that its nothing bad and will not harm you or cause you to pass out. It was debilitating for me when I first started feeling it, because I thought I was about to die every time I felt it,but the more it happened, the less i started to fear it because it never escalated into anything bad..and it never will for you either.

What I've learned over the last 13 months dealing with this, is that anxiety is a mindset, and its extremely difficult to let go of the fear, but it is most certainly possible. A week ago I was having panic attacks every night and couldn't relax no matter what, then one night I said you know what, who cares..I no longer give a fuck about how I feel, this BS can't hurt me and I choose not to fear it anymore..and guess what? I actually feel pretty close to normal again, no panic attacks, symptoms still linger but I can feel them getting weaker and weaker..I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel now, simply because I made a choice not to be afraid anymore. I know that this is extremely hard, hell it took me over a year..but it happened. I always say on this forum, fear is a choice..I'm not saying any of us chose anxiety disorders, but we can choose to turn the fear off if we really try. I did, and it worked.

You are right. You must remain positive and keep the " what ifs" from your thoughts. Its very easy to say but difficult to do, but as you start to do it, you will surely find that your anxiety filled days become less and less.

06-29-2013, 05:03 PM
So today im at the store its noonish. Im looking at desserts and bam ... Light headed hit. I felt like i was gonna faint. I wanted to sit down but instead i grabbed my kids and got out of the store to take a zanex... Mind u i hadn't eaten yet... And all i had this morning was a cup of coffee ( i know bad!).... But the spirt and sudden onset of the terrible light headed feeling scares the shit out of me ..... Does anyone else experpence this and if so what if anything has helped u

Hey there! I've read over all the posts on here and I know everyone thinks that your spell was caused by anxiety, but I would have to disagree. If you had only consumed coffee on that day, I'm assuming your blood sugar was low. Having low blood sugar is definitely what triggers my anxiety a lot of the time so I can completely relate to your experience. Just make sure you eat breakfast ,and don't go too far in between meals! :)

06-29-2013, 05:07 PM
Please help show me how to avoid this phobia ? I've been feeling off balance and lightheaded for about 3 months now . From the moment I wake up to the moment I got to bed . I can't stop thinking about it ! It's so hard not too think about it when I feel it constantly . I do tell myself that it's nothing over and over , but damn sometimes I just can't take it No more and I just want to flip out !

Anxiety can cause this, but are you sure you're not dehydrated too? I went through a little while where I felt extremely off and lightheaded, and after I had a bad reaction to a medication, EMS told me I was a little dehydrated too. I had been to the doctor just a week before and they didn't share that info with me because they weren't necessarily looking for that. I drank some Gatorade and water, and felt a lot better. I'm not saying that this is exactly what it is, but just something to consider.

07-01-2013, 06:06 AM
Please help show me how to avoid this phobia ? I've been feeling off balance and lightheaded for about 3 months now . From the moment I wake up to the moment I got to bed . I can't stop thinking about it ! It's so hard not too think about it when I feel it constantly . I do tell myself that it's nothing over and over , but damn sometimes I just can't take it No more and I just want to flip out !

I get these exact feelings have done for almost a year now