View Full Version : Effexor

06-24-2013, 07:40 PM
So my doc wants to put me on Effexor for anxiety. Has anyone been on this and if so what was your thoughts, issues, pros or cons???

06-24-2013, 09:40 PM
My grandma usually feels amazing on effexor.

Badddddd withdrawal symptoms though!

06-24-2013, 09:47 PM
Most of these type of medication has bad withdrawals! But if you wean off them slowly you should be fine. Never just stop suddenly yourself! Keep good communication with your doctor!

06-24-2013, 10:00 PM
Sorry but none of these replies answer the question. I want to know as well.

06-24-2013, 10:26 PM
I was on effexor. I personally didn't feel that it helped. But everyone reacts different. I felt tired allot on it but that passed. It Will take a couple weeks to see if it Will effectively work for u. But remember everyone is different .. For my anxiety cymbalta helped and ativan ...Hope this helped

06-25-2013, 07:01 AM
I started on Paxil then switched to Effexor which I'm on now and have been on for about a year. It's a life changer for me. I'm only on 75mg so I still get a little anxious at times but nothing compared to when I wasn't on any medication. The only side effect is it severely impacted my libido, but unlike Paxil, I can still get it up. There's a big difference between libido (sex drive) and ability to get an erection. It still interferes with my marriage a bit because I'm not as randy as I used to be and my wife doesn't understand it's the pill and not her. But at least I can still pop a rod and give her a good cram'n when she needs it. With the Paxil I could miss 3 days before feeling withdrawal, but if I miss only a day of Effexor I get massive migraines and brain zaps. I'm scared of coming off it because it has the worst withdrawal of any medication. I can drink to the point of a slight buzz, but anything after that I quickly get the spins and throw up. No biggy though, never been a huge drinker. Hope this helps.

06-25-2013, 07:12 AM
I started on Paxil then switched to Effexor which I'm on now and have been on for about a year. It's a life changer for me. I'm only on 75mg so I still get a little anxious at times but nothing compared to when I wasn't on any medication. The only side effect is it severely impacted my libido, but unlike Paxil, I can still get it up. There's a big difference between libido (sex drive) and ability to get an erection. It still interferes with my marriage a bit because I'm not as randy as I used to be and my wife doesn't understand it's the pill and not her. But at least I can still pop a rod and give her a good cram'n when she needs it. With the Paxil I could miss 3 days before feeling withdrawal, but if I miss only a day of Effexor I get massive migraines and brain zaps. I'm scared of coming off it because it has the worst withdrawal of any medication. I can drink to the point of a slight buzz, but anything after that I quickly get the spins and throw up. No biggy though, never been a huge drinker. Hope this helps.

Wow..... A little graphic but yes, I believe I get the picture :)

06-25-2013, 07:27 AM
I have tried several different anti anxiety / depression meds and the side effects are worse to me than the anxiety at times. Especially the libido thing, so I'm just scared of trying something new then going thru this whole side affect and withdrawal crap with brain zaps and even more anxiety.... What to do????

06-25-2013, 10:21 AM
Talk to your doctor about your concerns! Ask for the least side effect / withdrawal , ask him how familiar he, or she is with the various types of medications! If you have been on meds before then you must already know what you like, and don't like. Me I am very blunt with my doctor! He knows exactly what I want. My anxiety kicks up when I go to the doctors! LOL. I hate not having control of my situation, and going to the doctors I feel they try to take over control! So I develop a real dread of going, but if I take control I feel better! LOL
Anyways just talk with them! Don't just agree with everything they say without asking questions!