View Full Version : Does anyone else freak out about change?

06-24-2013, 06:05 PM
Okay so I was just informed today that some big future changes may be coming for my employment! This is the only job that I know! My whole adult life I have been at the same place and I really worked hard to get to where I am today.Although I really dont have details right now I don't know what to expect and just the anticipation is freaking me out. I have horrible knots in my stomach and I'm terrified that something may change.

06-24-2013, 06:19 PM
Well ya it's normal! Change is always ! Even when your feeling good! You need not to let your imagination run away on you tho! Don't try to figure it all out! Don't use the what ifs ! Deal in just one day at a time, relax! You will know soon! And deal with it then.

06-24-2013, 06:36 PM
Okay so I was just informed today that some big future changes may be coming for my employment! This is the only job that I know! My whole adult life I have been at the same place and I really worked hard to get to where I am today.Although I really dont have details right now I don't know what to expect and just the anticipation is freaking me out. I have horrible knots in my stomach and I'm terrified that something may change.

I definitely freak out about change! I am learning that a lot recently with the things that have been going on in my life over the past few months. I struggle with it daily and it does give me knots in my stomach and I often feel overwhelmed. You kind of just have to put it in perspective. Everything changes; nothing is constant. There is nothing you can do about it. You just have to take it one day at a time and try to keep positive. Change is not a bad thing, but it can be scary; especially when you're prone to anxiety.

06-27-2013, 11:12 AM
I definitely freak out about change! I am learning that a lot recently with the things that have been going on in my life over the past few months. I struggle with it daily and it does give me knots in my stomach and I often feel overwhelmed. You kind of just have to put it in perspective. Everything changes; nothing is constant. There is nothing you can do about it. You just have to take it one day at a time and try to keep positive. Change is not a bad thing, but it can be scary; especially when you're prone to anxiety.

Thanks Ashley i will definitely be remembering this when I am freaking out. You are right Change is not a bad thing just scary very scary for me right now.

06-27-2013, 11:47 AM
Thanks Ashley i will definitely be remembering this when I am freaking out. You are right Change is not a bad thing just scary very scary for me right now.

Hey girl I am right there with you! At least you aren't alone!

06-27-2013, 04:51 PM
Change can be very scary. It's the "unknown" that always triggers an anxious mind to assume the worst. But have you thought of this? Perhaps that change will be very minimal to your job. Or what if that change makes your job 10 times more enjoyable? Maybe they're going to hire someone to fan you, give back rubs and feed you grapes while referring to you as "Oh Great Princess"? Yes, I'm being silly, but the point is that you're anticipating that any change will be bad. The chance that it might be good is just as likely or probably greater than it being something negative. Until you know what those changes are, just tell yourself how awesome this is going to be. When it happens, you'll be much more focused, upbeat, and ready to embrace them. You're going to do great! No worries.

06-27-2013, 05:29 PM
Change is my biggest issue. I don't even like it when my son comes home from school and needs to go to the store RIGHT NOW to get something for a project. I don't like when someone wants to buy something new because it changes all my budgeting work and now I have to do it again. I understand!

06-27-2013, 09:06 PM
Change can be very scary. It's the "unknown" that always triggers an anxious mind to assume the worst. But have you thought of this? Perhaps that change will be very minimal to your job. Or what if that change makes your job 10 times more enjoyable? Maybe they're going to hire someone to fan you, give back rubs and feed you grapes while referring to you as "Oh Great Princess"? Yes, I'm being silly, but the point is that you're anticipating that any change will be bad. The chance that it might be good is just as likely or probably greater than it being something negative. Until you know what those changes are, just tell yourself how awesome this is going to be. When it happens, you'll be much more focused, upbeat, and ready to embrace them. You're going to do great! No worries.

Oh I could handle that! Ok the are making big changes and hiring me a personal fan person. ooohh laa laa! :)

06-27-2013, 09:07 PM
I am with ya! The smallest thing to my routine freaks me out! If I am not even able to find my brand in razors or something so silly like that freaks this girl out! Silly huh?

06-27-2013, 09:33 PM
I freak about change too. Usually only big changes. Like jobs, room mates, cars. Recently my job has put a lot of pressure on me for something i cant completely control. (I cant control how much money a customer has to spend) they put me on probation for it. Threatened to fire me if it didn't change. One month later and my results are still all over because I cannot completely control other people. So here i am. Under pressure and anticipating that id be fired. Then i find out they aren't going to fire me. They're going to prolong my probation and watch my results. So now my job is in danger for a 6 month period. I cant live under the uncertainty and stress. My anxiety is so bad that i am sick! Im suffering too much.

06-27-2013, 09:59 PM
I freak about change too. Usually only big changes. Like jobs, room mates, cars. Recently my job has put a lot of pressure on me for something i cant completely control. (I cant control how much money a customer has to spend) they put me on probation for it. Threatened to fire me if it didn't change. One month later and my results are still all over because I cannot completely control other people. So here i am. Under pressure and anticipating that id be fired. Then i find out they aren't going to fire me. They're going to prolong my probation and watch my results. So now my job is in danger for a 6 month period. I cant live under the uncertainty and stress. My anxiety is so bad that i am sick! Im suffering too much.

It sounds like your job is causing you a lot of stress. First I don't want to say what a therapist told me the first time I ever seen her. "You sound like you need a new job: That is not what you need to hear at the peak of anxiety because if you are like me, fear of having to find another job or even losing this job makes the anxiety worse. I got rid of that therapist quick. I found a therapist more on my level and he said to me which was more acceptable. " Money is not everything and your happiness is much more important. Maybe tolerate it for long enough while saying in the back of you head this is just a job, not my whole life. I deserve better and I will get better. As soon as I get rid of this stupid anxiety I will find myself something else less stressful." That helped once I started ACCEPTING that I deserve better than someone talking negative to me and causing unnecessary stress. Girl KNOW YOUR WORTH! KEEP THAT HEAD UP! Seriously, There are too many jobs out there that will hire you if you are looking for happiness! I know happiness doesn't pay bills but there are jobs out there that will pay what you need to make it. Good luck.

06-27-2013, 11:20 PM
It sounds like your job is causing you a lot of stress. First I don't want to say what a therapist told me the first time I ever seen her. "You sound like you need a new job: That is not what you need to hear at the peak of anxiety because if you are like me, fear of having to find another job or even losing this job makes the anxiety worse. I got rid of that therapist quick. I found a therapist more on my level and he said to me which was more acceptable. " Money is not everything and your happiness is much more important. Maybe tolerate it for long enough while saying in the back of you head this is just a job, not my whole life. I deserve better and I will get better. As soon as I get rid of this stupid anxiety I will find myself something else less stressful." That helped once I started ACCEPTING that I deserve better than someone talking negative to me and causing unnecessary stress. Girl KNOW YOUR WORTH! KEEP THAT HEAD UP! Seriously, There are too many jobs out there that will hire you if you are looking for happiness! I know happiness doesn't pay bills but there are jobs out there that will pay what you need to make it. Good luck.

That made me feel tons better. Thank you so much for the pep talk. :)

06-28-2013, 12:40 AM
Everyone is different. I thrive on change . If i had the same routine... Kept things totally the same I would be bored. But I have a couple OCDs with rearranging things like furniture ... Since I was a kid.
I would say of change bothers you so much try to stick as much to a routine as possible. ... But understand change is inevitable. It can e good or bad... Same as no change can be good or bad