View Full Version : hi newbie here. resting heart rate of 95 is this normal?

06-24-2013, 05:09 PM
hi I had bad panic attack three month ago and have GAD. since I have had resting heart rate of 95 and confusion and memory issues. are these normal for people with anxiety? my anxiety seems run all the time. and also I have been waking up constantly from dreams with heart pounding. so I generally get 3 to 4 hours of sleep. oh also my doctor wants to start me on metroprolol to slow down the heart rate, but I have low blood pressure, don't know what to do.

06-24-2013, 05:12 PM
hi I had bad panic attack three month ago and have GAD. since I have had resting heart rate of 95 and confusion and memory issues. are these normal for people with anxiety? my anxiety seems run all the time. and also I have been waking up constantly from dreams with heart pounding. so I generally get 3 to 4 hours of sleep.

Yes!!!! And the waking up with pounding racy heart...... Very unnerving . They keep saying its normal but it's hard to accept

06-24-2013, 05:13 PM
I went through this for about four weeks and am finally starting to feel back to "normal." As far as your heart rate, from what I understand, 60-100 beats per minute is a normal range, and if you've been dealing with anxiety, having a slightly elevated heart rate seems like nothing to worry about. I was having the same problem with not sleeping well...either I would just toss and turn all night, or I'd wake up with a start feeling like my heart was pounding out of my chest and I couldn't breath, even though I was breathing just fine. I'm sure it probably stems back to the anxiety, and also being tired could be a factor...the more exhausted I got from not sleeping and being tense all the time, the worse all my symptoms got!!

06-24-2013, 05:33 PM
so lot of people with anxiety have sleep issues? waking up from dreams constantly?

06-24-2013, 05:48 PM
so lot of people with anxiety have sleep issues? waking up from dreams constantly?

Yes ..!! It's Terrible !

06-24-2013, 05:51 PM
Called nocturnal anxiety! Some have it some don't. But can have it at some point with anxiety. You need to breath, and relax your body when that happens! Consent rate on your breathing fully! Close your eyes, and listen only to your breathing! Feel the air pass in and out the nose, and count, or say the alphabets. Slowly until you calm back down!

06-24-2013, 06:47 PM
can you tell me more about the guided breath tech on you tube? does this help more verses just doing breath meditation?

06-24-2013, 06:59 PM
Breathing and relaxation is the root of healing! It's a must! It is how to cope with stress! It is what allows your body to rest! It is what feeds your body oxygen! The normal person forgets how to breath properly! If you ever watch a child breath, they breath with the belly. Belly breathing is the correct way to breath! My brother was born with cystic fibrosis , lung disease in case you did not know. And had a double lung transplant 5 years ago. And doing well today I might add! But his surgeon had to retrain him how to breath correctly. And told us that average people forget this! And it's essential for overall well being! You can search YouTube for the following

Relax breathing techniques

Guided meditation. ( I like the honest guys )
Guided muscle relaxation

06-24-2013, 10:07 PM
hi I had bad panic attack three month ago and have GAD. since I have had resting heart rate of 95 and confusion and memory issues. are these normal for people with anxiety? my anxiety seems run all the time. and also I have been waking up constantly from dreams with heart pounding. so I generally get 3 to 4 hours of sleep. oh also my doctor wants to start me on metroprolol to slow down the heart rate, but I have low blood pressure, don't know what to do.

Your confusion and memory are probably from lack of sleep. But my cardio also gave me metroprolol to slow my heart rate (sinus tachycardia) and my normal blood pressure is only 110/65, sometimes 105/65. So far it hasn't affected it too much, but I do monitor it and don't take the meds if my blood pressure is too low. Of course, make sure to talk to your doc about these things first. What's your normal blood pressure? Have you tried anxiety meds?