View Full Version : Need some advice

06-24-2013, 03:43 PM
I've been suffering from off/balance-lightheadedness ," generally don't feel like myself" feeling for about 2-3 months now...I've only had the typical blood work done , that was all fine, I've seen an e.n.t. , that was fine also . My question is should i make an appt. with my gp. and have him do some extensive blood work or just I go ahead for an M.R.I. ? Any help ?

06-25-2013, 02:29 AM
I would have both done, not because I think anything is wrong, but because having both done would allow you to say "nope, can't be that disease, had it ruled out" when a worry pops into your mind. Having both done would benefit your eventual recovery greater than having just one done.