View Full Version : When your heart skipps

06-24-2013, 01:35 PM
When your heart skips do ur pupil on your eyes get big ? Do you get hot flashes is this normal?? I get scared ? Especially that I'm home alone I get deppressed it ruins my whole day all I do is cry :(

06-24-2013, 03:10 PM
Hello there :)

I dont know exactly what a skipped heart beat feels like but every now and then I get this feeling; its happend like twice where I feel like my heart has drop and come back again and when this happens I usually get like a hot blood rush feeling that goes straight away, it all happens so quick but it puts me in panic mode definitely, I think the only way you can try and not feel like you do when it happens is to use self help methods for anxiety e.g. youtube videos and whenever you feel low talk to someone on here :) private message me if you would like . Im new to anxiety infact I havent even been diagnosed but the drs say its the most probable cause as ive had it for so long with all tests come back as normal :)

06-24-2013, 06:17 PM
When your heart skips do ur pupil on your eyes get big ? Do you get hot flashes is this normal?? I get scared ? Especially that I'm home alone I get deppressed it ruins my whole day all I do is cry :(

I suffer from heart skips and "flutters" all the time. I first started with them about a year ago when I was 25 after I had a nervous breakdown. I went to the dr and he told me that its all anxiety and they will not hurt me. He ran several tests and they all came back normal. I was told that I have PVCs which are a kind of palpitation. Every time I get them I get a hot flash. Try and not to get depressed with them, I did for a while and I was wasting my time. They can feel very scary but just as long as you get checked out by a dr you have nothing to fear from them. Stay strong

06-24-2013, 06:49 PM
Hello there :)

I dont know exactly what a skipped heart beat feels like but every now and then I get this feeling; its happend like twice where I feel like my heart has drop and come back again and when this happens I usually get like a hot blood rush feeling that goes straight away, it all happens so quick but it puts me in panic mode definitely, I think the only way you can try and not feel like you do when it happens is to use self help methods for anxiety e.g. youtube videos and whenever you feel low talk to someone on here :) private message me if you would like . Im new to anxiety infact I havent even been diagnosed but the drs say its the most probable cause as ive had it for so long with all tests come back as normal :)

does your skipped heart take your breath away? mine does and when I check pulse and if it occurs again I can actually feel the skipped beat.

06-25-2013, 02:52 AM
does your skipped heart take your breath away? mine does and when I check pulse and if it occurs again I can actually feel the skipped beat.

I dont think it has taken my breath away but I have had that feeling . Im.always taking my pulse I just make sure my pulse is betwern 60 and 100 as thats a healthy heart rate xx

06-25-2013, 08:06 AM
I just had that going on for over a month I went and got it checked at the hospital and they said they are PVCs it scares the hell out of u

06-25-2013, 02:00 PM
I just had that going on for over a month I went and got it checked at the hospital and they said they are PVCs it scares the hell out of u

What is PVC's x

06-26-2013, 07:36 AM
What is PVC's x

When your heat skips beats

06-26-2013, 11:39 PM
PVCs are premature ventricular contractions meanin your Heart fires to soon or skips a beat and it is scary u feel it like butterflies in your chest or like it flipped over

06-27-2013, 12:47 AM
It's all harmless and can't hurt u but it sure can scare the pants off u. Just breath deep it always helps me

06-27-2013, 01:58 AM
I never have noticed my heart skipping a beat. but it does start racing when you have a panic attack, that doesn't really bother me so much anymore. It infact kind of feels good to me in a way, it's a rush. It helps you feel more alert, and alive.

I have other anxiety problems that bother me these days.. like my eyes, I hate it. I feel like I can't focus on anything when I'm feeling anxiety. and I currently seem to feel obsessed with my sleep patterns and how they make me feel. If I've over slept, then I get really nasty panic attacks as a result, I hate it.

06-27-2013, 02:05 AM
I get them all the time, My heart legit skips beats, feels like ur heart is dropping, hard to explain, it will only put you in panic mode if you let it.... Sometimes i get skipped heart beat, then a flutter, then a hard beat, and that will happen 2-3 times in a row, its scary but as far as i know its a symptom of anxiety.

I find drinking lots of water helps with palps

06-27-2013, 01:55 PM
Has anyone had chest pain with skipped heart beats ?

06-27-2013, 02:32 PM
Anxietygirl- I get flutters all the time, especially when I'm having a very anxious day. They do take my breath away when they are really hard or a few in a row. I've had them checked out and everything came out normal. I know they are scary, but you just have to tell yourself it's just anxiety..nothing more!

06-27-2013, 02:33 PM
Nicole- can't say I've had chest pains with my flutters, but chest pains are a symptom of anxiety and everyone is different. Anxiety has so many faces.

06-27-2013, 10:00 PM
I do get pains at times too and it lasts a few seconds feels like forever though and it makes you more anxious and panic even more then I think omg my legs Hurt maybe I have an embolism but I've been checked and nothin my dad passed away 6 months ago so I'm thinking maybe this stressful even caused the PVCs my EKG was fine and so was my cardiac enzymes so who knows but I do know it will scare the hell out of you