View Full Version : Mornings are hard for me. Am I the only one?

06-24-2013, 06:39 AM
I think every morning I get up with some serious stomach upset landing me in the bathroom two or three times before I am even ready. I don't know why I told you that but I am not holding back. I seem to have decent mornings which means I tolerate the anxiety better then I have bad mornings where I cannot even tolerate and stay a nervous wreck. I just want my life back to normal. I keep reading and trying to practice positive thinking and just allow the anxiety to do its thing and it will subside but mine isn't. I am ok in the evenings when I am home or with my husband but I seem to freak out a bit in the mornings when my husband is already gone to work. I am not a wife that is usually clingy or needs the attention of their spouse all the time but I do when I am going through this. Will it ever stop? I will say I feel a little better than I did when all these came back on last Monday but I need it to stop! I can barely function! Does anyone else feel like this. Please tell me I am not alone :eek:

06-24-2013, 06:51 AM
Hi you are not alone I feel like this too. I have good days even weeks maybe a month then the anxiety comes back and sometimes it's not too bad and some days I feel I am going to go crazy. I know how you feel. I always say I want my life back and to be the person I was before this started. It takes time. It's hard but we can do this. I got my first episode when I was about 17 and had it bad for months it left and I would have little episodes here and there sometimes none for years. Then last may it came back bad and ever since last year it hasn't left. I hope I can over come it.

06-24-2013, 07:02 AM
Mornings are the hardest for me too. It's almost like I wake up and feel fine then start "searching" for anxiety and sure enough there it is! It makes me not want to get out of bed and start my day. I have to really work at not focusing on it, which feels impossible sometimes. What seems to help most is praying. I just make sure I do nothing but have a conversation with God as I am getting ready in the mornings. It does help until I get to work. Then again I am a bit wound up for an hour or so then it passes. I hate it too! I also just want my life back. It was gone for some time but has been almost nonstop the past few months. It will get better. We have to remember this!

06-24-2013, 07:12 AM
Me too! I am scared to live with this for another week much less a year. I keep trying but I am getting a little discouraged at times. It makes me sad!

06-24-2013, 07:14 AM
It's not unusual at all to not want to be alone when going through anxiety. It can be pretty scary sometimes. I know mine usually subsides when I have family or friends to talk to. I think it's the comfort of having someone reassure you or help take your mind off of worrying. And usually, as anxiety sufferers, we think about having somebody in the house in case we need to be rushed off to the hospital. I've been trying to work on my "anticipation of the worst" thinking, exercising, doing things by myself, spending time alone but keeping myself busy with a long to-do list, playing soothing jazz music around the house...just anything to keep my mind and body in a relaxed state. All these things help tremendously. However, don't make yourself feel guilty about being too clingy. We all need love, comfort and support when we're not feeling well. That's perfectly natural. I hope you feel better soon.

06-24-2013, 07:18 AM
I have been praying and asking for him to please take this from me but its still here! Ugh! I worry it may affect my job as they may think I am not preforming the best like I usually do. I worry my hubby is going to give up on me because I stay nervous! I cannot get these thoughts out of my head!

06-24-2013, 07:36 AM
I have been praying and asking for him to please take this from me but its still here! Ugh! I worry it may affect my job as they may think I am not preforming the best like I usually do. I worry my hubby is going to give up on me because I stay nervous! I cannot get these thoughts out of my head!

I would really look into start some kind of medication for it for right now. It doesn't have to be forever, but if you have access to a doctor, I promise you this stuff works wonders. I started Lexapro two weeks ago and while it takes about 4-6 weeks to be fully effective, I already feel a little better. It still continues to be an every day battle but I am better at knowing OK this is anxiety not something causing anxiety. It's really amazing what this disorder can do to your brain. Do you exercise at all? It's also a great way to calm down the symptoms. In the thrones of anxiety I am sure that's the last thing you want to do, but it really can help even if just for the 30 minutes or so you are exercising. I know that it's scary and it will be for a while. Sadly this isn't anything that just "goes away." You really have to work at it. I understand you can't stop the thoughts, that's my biggest struggle. That's what practicing mindfulness is for and really refocusing your thoughts. And believe me I know this is not easy and can be impossible, but you just have to work at it. The previous poster is right as well. Make a to-do list and keep on it. Get into a hobby that interests you. I love scrapbooking and card making and even when it doesn't seem like I am in the mindset to do it, I can sit down and within a half hour get engrossed in what I am doing and all anxiety has disappeared.

06-24-2013, 07:50 AM
I would really look into start some kind of medication for it for right now. It doesn't have to be forever, but if you have access to a doctor, I promise you this stuff works wonders. I started Lexapro two weeks ago and while it takes about 4-6 weeks to be fully effective, I already feel a little better. It still continues to be an every day battle but I am better at knowing OK this is anxiety not something causing anxiety. It's really amazing what this disorder can do to your brain. Do you exercise at all? It's also a great way to calm down the symptoms. In the thrones of anxiety I am sure that's the last thing you want to do, but it really can help even if just for the 30 minutes or so you are exercising. I know that it's scary and it will be for a while. Sadly this isn't anything that just "goes away." You really have to work at it. I understand you can't stop the thoughts, that's my biggest struggle. That's what practicing mindfulness is for and really refocusing your thoughts. And believe me I know this is not easy and can be impossible, but you just have to work at it. The previous poster is right as well. Make a to-do list and keep on it. Get into a hobby that interests you. I love scrapbooking and card making and even when it doesn't seem like I am in the mindset to do it, I can sit down and within a half hour get engrossed in what I am doing and all anxiety has disappeared.

I am on zoloft and have been for 10 years and I just increased it to 100mg last night but I dont remember it affecting m this long. I am going on my 2 month of off and on anxiety.

06-24-2013, 07:56 AM
I usually feel crappy in the morning aswell Jenn. Very nervous!

06-24-2013, 07:59 AM
Yes, don't be afraid to get on some medication. Your body needs the help right now. I'm not sure why there's such a stigma attached to psych meds. Your brain is an organ just like any other organ in your body. I take Lexapro and it has helped a lot. Yes, there is a loading phase of a few weeks to feel the full benefits. Your doctor can prescribe something more immediate-acting to help calm you down in the meantime. If you're like most anxiety sufferers, you can't just "think" your way out of it. You should use every tool available to you, medication included. If it helps, just know there are millions of people out there experiencing the same thing. You are going to be just fine. Find someone who can help you with relaxation techniques. You don't have to be in a state of constant fear, worry and anxiety. You will get better with support.

06-24-2013, 08:22 AM
Yes, don't be afraid to get on some medication. Your body needs the help right now. I'm not sure why there's such a stigma attached to psych meds. Your brain is an organ just like any other organ in your body. I take Lexapro and it has helped a lot. Yes, there is a loading phase of a few weeks to feel the full benefits. Your doctor can prescribe something more immediate-acting to help calm you down in the meantime. If you're like most anxiety sufferers, you can't just "think" your way out of it. You should use every tool available to you, medication included. If it helps, just know there are millions of people out there experiencing the same thing. You are going to be just fine. Find someone who can help you with relaxation techniques. You don't have to be in a state of constant fear, worry and anxiety. You will get better with support.

I agree about the medication, but you say you are already on it which is good! Any little tool will help us all cope with this and get better. And it will get better. I first developed this in 2007 and had probably two years of madness before I was put on meds to help me cope. Then I had quite a few years of feeling great or at least better! I stupidly stopped them over a year ago thinking I was better. NOPE! Between that and many things changing for my in my life right now it all started up again. That's when I got on the Lexapro. It's helping at two weeks so I know a few weeks from now I will feel even better. In the meantime I was also given Klonopin as fast acting. I rarely use it, but took one today because my work is about to start getting hectic. I already feel better than I did an hour ago. And far as relaxation techniques, there are actually quite a few available on YouTube. I would really recommend checking it out!

06-24-2013, 03:01 PM
Yes, don't be afraid to get on some medication. Your body needs the help right now. I'm not sure why there's such a stigma attached to psych meds. Your brain is an organ just like any other organ in your body. I take Lexapro and it has helped a lot. Yes, there is a loading phase of a few weeks to feel the full benefits. Your doctor can prescribe something more immediate-acting to help calm you down in the meantime. If you're like most anxiety sufferers, you can't just "think" your way out of it. You should use every tool available to you, medication included. If it helps, just know there are millions of people out there experiencing the same thing. You are going to be just fine. Find someone who can help you with relaxation techniques. You don't have to be in a state of constant fear, worry and anxiety. You will get better with support.

I couldn't agree more with this!!! So so true! :-)

06-24-2013, 04:22 PM
I wake up every morning with the feeling that something terrible is going to happen, it takes me at least half an hour before I am able to get up. A pro biotic may help with the stomach issues


06-26-2013, 06:36 AM
It takes me till noon or later to semi feel better. I keep reading post that people are fine for weeks and BAM it hits again. I had that same scenario hit me like that from May to June. I am now freaking out because I am worried I may never be me again and I will always have this anxiety lurking in the background waiting to pop its ugly head. How is that any way to live. I have to get control but HOW? Ugh really discouraged this morning!

06-26-2013, 07:08 AM
It takes me till noon or later to semi feel better. I keep reading post that people are fine for weeks and BAM it hits again. I had that same scenario hit me like that from May to June. I am now freaking out because I am worried I may never be me again and I will always have this anxiety lurking in the background waiting to pop its ugly head. How is that any way to live. I have to get control but HOW? Ugh really discouraged this morning!

I totally sympathize! I've been going on just over two months now of waking up instantly anxious. I think honestly we start to get used to it and expect it in the mornings. I've had a few "good" morning where I wake up and am like "wow I don't think I'm anxious!" and then I start looking for it and BAM there it is. It's really tough. Makes me never want to get up and start my day. It takes me a few hours to calm down unless I actively work on in through breathing exercises or muscle relaxation. Sometimes I even pray. Forcing myself to have an active conversation with God keeps my mind off the anxiety. I do know that it won't last forever though. I've gone through bouts of this before and eventually it does go away again. Just don't give up. Keep on working on what you need to and I promise it will get easier.

06-26-2013, 08:05 AM
I'm the same, in the bathroom at least 2-3 times every morning. I know its totally anxiety since now my kids are on summer break and I don't need to take them to school, no problems. Once school starts up I know it will be back full force. Its so exhausting. It helps me to go through the worst scenerio...and mapping out bathrooms seems to help me.

06-26-2013, 08:38 AM
So different for me! It is night time that has always set off my anxiety!! Something about the night falling.. I guess I feel like the world goes to sleep.. And what if something terrible happens!!?? Who will help!!???

I just get an eerie feeling at night.. It's always been night that messes me up.. Grrrr

06-26-2013, 09:40 AM
Ritch mentioned taking a pro-biotic to help with stomach issues and I just wanted to say that I started taking Acidophilus and have notice incredible improvement in some of the issues I was having! Someone suggested that maybe the acid reflux and stomach bloating I was experiencing had something to do with excessive yeast growth (candida) in the small intestine and that taking a pro-biotic might help fight some of that, so I decided why not try, and actually kind of can't believe how much it seems to have helped.

Acidophilus is one of the beneficial bacteria; it is acid-resistant and helps fight pathogenic microbes like E. coli, Staph infection, Salmonella, Candida (yeast infection), H. Pylori, and others, and helps facilitate beneficial microorganisms in your digestive tract, and also helps with proper blood clotting and bone formation/repair because it produces Vitamin K. Basically, Acidophilus produces lactase, the enzyme that breaks down sugar in milk (if you are lactose intolerant, like myself, you don't produce this enzyme), prevents and treats diarrhea, reduces overgrowth of pathogens, relieves IBS, decreases frequency of vaginal yeast infections and UTI's, increases immune response and is thought to help treat respiratory infections.

At any rate, I feel worse in the morning, too, Jenn, so I totally understand how frustrating it is. I would love to wake up feeling like a normal person once in a while!