View Full Version : What is this

06-23-2013, 01:57 PM
Why do I feel like this
24.7 headache and light headed feeling
I can not concentrate for the love of God..My grades and job are suffering
I occasionally take my moms .5 lexapro but they don't seem to work..I get headaches when I work out
I wake up with headaches and go to sleep with them ..why can I not fix this
I can barely go in public anymore ..Can I subconsciously be worried all the time?
I keep denying its anxiety..I need help and I need it fast

06-23-2013, 02:15 PM
Why do I feel like this
24.7 headache and light headed feeling
I can not concentrate for the love of God..My grades and job are suffering
I occasionally take my moms .5 lexapro but they don't seem to work..I get headaches when I work out
I wake up with headaches and go to sleep with them ..why can I not fix this
I can barely go in public anymore ..Can I subconsciously be worried all the time?
I keep denying its anxiety..I need help and I need it fast

Lexapro will only be effective if someone takes it consistently and over a period of time.. The drug has to get into your system.. That's when it wks.. It's not an immediate relief kind of med like lorazepam/Ativan.

Maybe you have migraines? U shd get checked thoroughly by your dr to rule that out..

I myself have experienced terrible dizzy spells and light headedness w anxiety..

Maybe you are very stresses/anxious, and tht is the reason for the headaches? Hmmm